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Releases: stefanedwards/lemon

Release v. 0.4.6

05 Dec 14:44
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  • Added axis annotations, simple commands that can annotate on the axis areas.
    See annotate_x_axis and annotate_y_axis.
    The command extends the ggplot2 object to a 'lemon_plot'-class, which
    allows the object to have additional plotting routines. See ?lemon_plot.

  • More axes! scale_x_symmetric and scale_y_symmetric to ensure
    your axis is symmetric around some value.

  • New feature: geom_siderange which kinda works like geom_rug,
    but displays a line within the plotting area and follows usual rules
    of aesthetics i.e. colour, and with added benefit of defining
    starting and ending point symbol.

  • Fixed facet's, capped axes and brackets cf. ggplot2 v. 3.4.0.

See for more information.

Release v.0.3.3

31 Jan 12:03
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  • Added argument offset to reposition_legend to better nudge legend into place.

  • brackets_horizontal and brackets_vertical now uses 'npc' as default
    unit, as well as defaults to this unit if given a numeric.

  • brackets_horizontal and brackets_vertical skips changing ticks to brackets
    if theme(axis.ticks = element_blank()) and thus not created at all.

  • 'horisontal' is not an English word. Has been thoroughly replaced by 'horizontal'.
    Functions with not-English word in names are still available, but not advertised.

  • Extended facet_rep_grid and facet_rep_wrap to allow user to specify which
    sided tick labels should be kept. Can still use logicals for repeat.tick.labels.

  • coord_capped_* and coord_flex_* now checks if the provided brackets_*
    and capped_* functions corresponds to the correct orientation.

  • New feature geom_pointpath and geom_pointline that combines
    geom_point with geom_path and geom_line, respectively.
    These geoms apply any position adjustments (e.g.\ position_jitter) to
    both points and lines.
    Also adds a gap between point and end of lines that grows with pointsize.

Release v. 0.3.1

12 Sep 14:37
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Now available on CRAN!

lemon 0.3.1

  • reposition_legend now places legend under axis lines,
    and further accepts x and y arguments for nudging.

Released version on CRAN

24 May 09:03
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CRAN version v0.3.0.

v0.2 with facets!

28 Apr 15:21
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Merge pull request #1 from stefanedwards/facets

Incorporate Facets into master.


27 Apr 11:37
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Releasing first version of splot.

Contains functions for modifying axis lines and automatically pretty prints data frames in knitr documents.