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Sky Technical Test

This is a basic IoC / DI container which leverages TS decorators. I've decided to use the following:

  • Node (version 12.x)
  • NPM (version 6.x)
  • Typescript
  • Jest

It's assumed, node (12.x) and npm (6.x) are installed locally.

Quick Usage

See the example folder, which shows 3 services. Each having basic dependencies between them.


The Container holds the registry of the defined services. The container has two ways of creating bound services:

  1. Using the exposed .bind() API which allows to create a binding
  2. Using the @Service decorator to automatically bind dependencies between services.

When creating a service to bind, simply create your service and import Container.

import { Container as c } from 'src/Container';

class Foo {
  private bar: Bar;



The @Service decorator allows the IOC container to automatically inject definition at run time. Any class decorated with @Service will add it self into the IOC container.

import { Service } from 'src/Container';

class Baz {
  public sayHello(name: string): string {
    return `Hello ${name}!`;


The @Inject decorator works on properties within a class, and resolves the dependency based on the type. This only works if the dependency has already been bound within the container, or the @Service decorator is used.

import { Inject } from 'src/Container';

class Bar {
  private baz: Baz;

  public function getBaz(): Baz {
    return this.baz;


The requirement is to create an IoC / DI container which handles the creation of dependencies between services.

2 hour limit (rough) with documentation and tests to demontrate the thinking behind the implementation.


I've taken inspiration from Springs @Autowired fucntionality, which uses annoations (i.e. decorators).

Roughly, this is how I spent my time:

  • Writing a basic Container to bind and build Services. (Roughly 1 hour)
  • Basic implementations on @Inject and @Service decorators (Rouhgly 1 hour)
  • Writing documentation and tests around the implementation (Roughly 1/2 hour)

This is a tiny example of IoC / DI within typescript, which have the following drawbacks:

  • We don't compile this down into JS / ES5, so it can't be consumed.
  • It's not versioned
  • It doesn't take into account circular dependencies (somewhat)
  • There's little consideration to other types aside from Services

Demo / Tests

Run the following commands:

npm run demo

The output of this should be:

Hello Luke!

To run the tests:

npm test

And the output should be:

 PASS  src/Container.test.ts
    ✓ should return an object (2 ms)
    ✓ .bind should accept a class when binding
    ✓ .build / global container should maintain bound services
    ✓ should throw an error when dependency isn't found (2 ms)
      ✓ should bind Bar automatically when @Service decorator is used (1 ms)
      ✓ should @Inject when dependency is resolved
      ✓ should throw an error when a service doesn't exist in the registy and @Inject is used (1 ms)


IOC / DI technical task for Sky Full Stack Engineer role






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