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Pelata is Finnish and means "Play" => This project is just my playground.

✔️ Visit:

Build status

example workflow

Local setup

This project has been developed with Visual Studio Code on Ubuntu 22.04. Other IDEs and operating systems should work, but the setup might differ.

Option 1: Using Dev Containers

This option is recommended! It requires some additional tools, but is virtually care-free afterwards. The required development environment is installed and maintained automatically, and does not interfere with other tools.

  1. Install Visual Studio Code with the following extensions:
  2. Install and start Colima for Linux or macOS, or Docker Desktop for Windows. When using Colima, make sure to also install the docker runtime (brew install docker).
  3. Open the cloned repository in VS Code, and let it start the Dev Container when it asks.
  4. This process might take a couple of minutes. Once done, the Gradle tasks will show up in the sidebar of VS Code.

Option 2: Manually install required tools

This is the "classical" way to set up a development environment. It is relatively easy, as long as the required tools do not conflict with other projects and do not change.

  1. Install SDKMAN:
    $ curl -s "" | bash
    $ source "$HOME/.sdkman/bin/"
  2. Make sure that v17 of OpenJDK is installed:
    $ java --version
    openjdk 17.0.6 2023-01-17
    OpenJDK Runtime Environment Temurin-17.0.6+10 (build 17.0.6+10)
    OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM Temurin-17.0.6+10 (build 17.0.6+10, mixed mode, sharing)
    If not, install OpenJDK 17:
    $ sdk install java 17.0.6-tem
  3. Install Kotlin:
    $ sdk install kotlin
  4. Install Visual Studio Code with the following extensions:
  5. Reload the VS Code window. Gradle should start to configure the project, which might take a couple of minutes.
  6. Once done, the Gradle tasks will show up in the sidebar of VS Code.

Run the code

The project contains a task.json that makes the most important tasks easily available in VS Code. Hit "Ctrl + Shift + P" -> "Tasks: Run Task" and select between:

  • build to compile the project once.
  • run to compile the project once and start a local server which serves the website.
  • run continuous to serve the project from a local server and have incremental updates.
  • test to execute unit tests.
  • check to execute all kinds of checks, including unit tests and static code analyser.


Colour palette

palette From

The colours to be used for this website are:

  • Background: #ffffff White
  • Text: #0c0b1e Xiketic
  • Accent colour 1: #5bc0be Maximum Blue Green
  • Accent colour 2: #8783d1 Middle Blue Purple


This project uses ressources from the following awesome projects: