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Releases: staticbackendhq/cli


14 Jun 13:42
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New flag to persist data when doing local development:

$ backend server --persist-data

Bundles all the new feature of StaticBackend's v1.5.0.


18 Dec 13:51
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  • Added web admin UI when serving local dev server
  • Improved login flow with the backend login --dev for automatic development config creation
  • Fix a bug with the backend db create command.


04 Sep 13:23
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Update includes core@v1.4.0's new feature and bud fixes.

Also, a special dev mode root token is now enabled by default removing the need to constantly update the dynamic root token at each stop/start of the CLI.

Use safe-to-use-in-dev-root-token and it will resolve the the current root token.

StaticBackend CLI v1.4.0

05 Jun 17:20
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This release includes a full development server. The server is the same as the production one from the core package.

It uses volatile / in-memory data, so data is not persisting over restart. But all functionalities of the real backend is available from this simple local binary making it a great option to build quick prototype.

StaticBackend CLI v1.0.1

23 Aug 07:30
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This update introduced the function command.

To create a server-side function you use the following command

$> backend function add --name daily_trial_process --trigger daily_trials --source ./path/to/func.js

The following commands are available:

StaticBackend CLI v1.0.0

23 Jan 11:28
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This release contains the v1 feature-complete for the local development server. Fixes and improvements will be added, but there will not have any breaking changes for this major version.

  • Added real-time component via Server-Sent Events.

StaticBackend CLI v1.0.0-rc

21 Dec 12:05
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Release candidate for the v1 release.

  • Manage your resources: database, form submissions
  • Create your account and manage your billing information

StaticBackend CLI v1.0.0-beta1

28 Jan 11:21
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This initial release contains the development server allowing you to test the backend API locally on your development machine.

See installation instructions on the StaticBackend CLI page.