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Getting Help With the Course

John Thompson edited this page Jan 20, 2019 · 1 revision

Udemy Q&A

Each course section has a Q&A Section. This should always be your first stop. Thousands of people have take this course. Check to see if someone else asked a question related to your problem.

If not, share your problem here. The instructor, teacher's assistants, and other students watch and answer questions.


By enrolling in Spring Framework 5: Beginner to Guru you can join a Slack community exclusive to this course.

In Slack you can get help 24 hrs a day, 7 days a week. The instructor, teachers assistants, and other students monitor Slack.

See section 1 of the course for instructions on how to join.

Do's and Don't of Getting Help

Do - Use Udemy Q&A or Slack

These resources are monitored by the instructor, teachers assistants, and other students.

Don't - Email or message the instructor directly

Asking your question in the public forums actually help others learn too. When you go outside the community, this is lost. Also, the instructor is not always on-line and does take days off. You are likely to get a much faster response using Udemy Q&A or Slack.

Do - Share a Link to your Project on GitHub

This helps others re-create your problem.

Don't - Share just a short part of the Error

Example of error shared:

Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-release-plugin:2.5.3:prepare (default-cli) on project pet-clinic: Maven execution failed, exit code: '1' -> [Help 1]

In the above example, it is impossible to tell what the root cause is. The person has not shared enough details.

When seeking help, help others help you!

Do - Share the Error Output in a GitHub Gist Link

Create a Gist of the error output to share.

Pro-Tip - You can create a gist from the run window of IntelliJ. In the console, right click > select option for create gist.

Don't Share Screenshots

Using a gist is usually a better option!

Don't - Open GitHub Issues

Unfortunately, the course has been pirated. Support is for people who are legitimately enrolled in the course. There is no way to verify enrollment from GitHub. Thus, problems raised on GitHub will not be addressed.

Exception: One exception is the Pet Clinic project, which is being treated as a community project.