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spark-ttree Build StatusMaven Central

Implementation of ROOT I/O designed to get TTrees into Spark DataFrames. Consists of the following three components:

  • DataSource - Spark DataSourceV2 implementation
  • ArrayInterpretation - Accepts raw TBasket byte ranges and returns deserialzed arrays
  • root_proxy - Deserializes ROOT metadata to locate TBasket byte ranges

The scope of this project is only to perform vectorized (i.e. column-based) reads of TTrees consisting of relatively simple branches -- fundamental numeric types and both fixed-length/jagged arrays of those types.

Usage example

Note that the most recent version number can be found here. To use a different version, replace 1.0.0 with your desired version

import pyspark.sql

spark = pyspark.sql.SparkSession.builder \
    .master("local[1]") \
    .config('spark.jars.packages', 'edu.vanderbilt.accre:laurelin:1.0.0') \
sc = spark.sparkContext
df ='root') \
                .option("tree", "tree") \

Known issues/not yet implemented functionality

  • The I/O is currently completely unoptimized -- there is no caching or prefetching. Remote reads will be slow as a consequence.
  • Arrays (both fixed and jagged) of booleans return the wrong result
  • Float16/Doubles32 are currently not supported
  • String types are currently not supported
  • C++ STD types are currently not supported (importantly, std::vector)