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A decentralized platform for building and funding open-source space missions and projects


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The Space Decentral Network

💬 Chat on Keybase

With an integrated set of collaborative tools, we want to make planning and executing a space mission a simple and sleek process.

Code Style Guidelines

  • Use HAML on new pages and a page that's in HTML that needs a large re-design

  • Use the asset pipeline

  • Views/layouts should just be full page "templates" designs

  • "template" partials should go into views/shared if they are referenced throughout the site

  • partials just used in one view category can stay in that view folder

  • bind bootstrap modals to links using "data-toggle"=>"modal", "data-target"=>"#<ID_OF_MODAL>" do not use javascript just to show a modal bootstrap already does that. (unless the link is a remote link then using JS to show the modal is fine)

  • follow the same JS code style that others have used in order to keep it consistent.


    • Use Bootstrap CSS/JS features if overriding isn't necessary
      • Then try to use simple custom css / js
        • If it's for a large portion of the site that really needs an external styles (like a slideshow library or something)
          • Then you can use an external CSS/JS library
    • Keep CSS that's for a certain "model" in its appropriate CSS file.
      • If a "model" is used in another "view category" put the styles in the "model" CSS still
    • Define a class once. Dont have two definitions of the same class reference with different styles in it
    • DO NOT REFERENCE AND ALTER A BOOTSTRAP CLASS DIRECTLY (unless its GUARANTEED never to be used another way).
      • DONT Put one at the top then some normal css next and then more media queries at the bottom
      • Put them in order from largest query to smallest
      • Also only define a media query once in a file
      • The first nested line should have no spaces preceding
      • then everything nested two spaces nested every nest below
      • no breaklines in between any of the brackets
      • A good style example is in scaffold.scss

DB Design

  • Combine as much SQL into one query as possible (using raw sql is find and actually encouraged for multiple table joins)
  • Quickest DB queries and smallest memory tables trumps server side code or other application layers
  • Design and consider the DB in your updates as the 1st priority

App Dev process

Once you have the spacedecentral application running on your local machine you should make sure you have the latest code, and then checkout a new personal branch:

git checkout mynewbranch

then you can save and push the changes you made with

git add --all
git commit -m 'yourcomment'
git push origin mynewbranch

After completing an issue you must do

git pull origin master

And check to see if everything still looks right

Refer to this guide for tips on branching:


used guide

This guide is for issues I had following the OSX Sierra guide

You can skip most of the steps in this guide. The essential is to follow the RVM installation, then do:

rvm install ruby-2.4.0
gem update --system

git clone
cd spacedecentral-network
rvm use ruby-2.4.0@rails5.0 --create
gem install rails
gem install bundler
gem install puma -v '3.6.2' -- --with-opt-dir=/usr/local/opt/openssl

(Heres where you install mysql for your system) (I have errors on osx and sierra on this step atm) Heres how you do it on ubuntu (tested working):

sudo apt-get install libmysqlclient-dev
sudo apt-get install mysql-server
  • (create the dev user and database)
mysql -u root -p
CREATE USER 'db_user'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'db_user';
CREATE DATABASE db_spacedecentral_dev;
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'db_user'@'localhost';
SET PASSWORD FOR 'db_user'@'localhost' = PASSWORD('db_user');
bundle install
rake db:migrate
rake db:seed

If you are working a mac, you may get an error about rmagick. The following has usually worked:

brew unlink imagemagick
brew install imagemagick@6 && brew link imagemagick@6 --force
gem install rmagick 

Updating roles

Step 1: open terminal and cd to root project and run command

rails c

Step2: query and create role

user = User.find_by_email("your_email")
mission = Mission.find(yourIDhere)
user.mission_user_roles.create(mission: mission, role: 1)

Install Homebrew & Redis

/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
brew install redis

Setting up a local server environment to host the app can be done with virtual hosts and passenger which is how it should be done in a production environment but can be time consuming

So for a local dev environment its enough to serve the app with the rails server run

rails server (in the spacedecentral-network directory)

then access app at http://localhost:3000


  • In your local dev environment, after registering for an account, look at the development.log for the activation link.

  • To create a new mission, navigate to http://localhost:3000/missions/new

Deploying to production or staging

before deploying run the tests and see if all success

rake test

then to deploy For production, run:

cap production deploy

For staging, run:

cap staging deploy

Messaging System

New message has user lookup form and body text and a hidden field named "group_users" a 1-1 message just has a group of 1 with the other "user to" append on the FE user ids into this field to send to multiple users. The BE will save this combination into a group with all the referenced members If you use the "add group member" on the message UI that will add that user to that conversation. If you start a new message with different or the same but (less or more ) of the same group it will create a new conversation.

The websockets for new messages / notifications is done in notifier.js and sends dom updates and other information over cable.

Mission chat is currently seperated as the FE and BE is simpler to treat the entire mission as the group no user tracking is required. But this may change if mission chat opens on any page then each member of the mission needs to subscribe to the channel on every mission on every page...

rendering user avatars in the messaging UI will have changes if you were the last person to send a message you will still see either the "user tos" avatar or a subset of the groups avatars. But you shouldn't render the user who sent the messages avatar.

Tag System

The tag system consists of two databases the tags database and the tag_references

The Tags table holds all of the "tags" which is essentially just a string value. So each row is just a unique string in the database.

The TagReference table is all of the references of tags used in the system. It has a references ( an id ) to the tag database, and a reference ( an id ) of the object that used it.

The TagReference tables columns are each type of object that can use a "tag" in order to add a new object that can be "tagged" just create a new reference column in the TagReference table and in the front end save the id of the object in that row.

It is possible to add new Tags ( or string values ) into the Tag database if there is no current Tag with that value just insert into Tags whenever it created and used by an object.

Mission User Roles

reserverd = 1 Master = 2 Mission Coordinator = 3 Mission Designer = 4 Mission Trainee = 5 Mission Trainee = 6 Mission Trainee = 7

Time - Stamps

Dont use time_ago_in_words it only loads on page reload instead use our timestamp helper .platform_timestamp{"data-time-stamp"=>MODEL.created_at}=platform_timestamp(MODEL.created_at)

Admin Access

go to /dashboard to access the admin panel and create accounts for new users


A decentralized platform for building and funding open-source space missions and projects




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