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Read and plot microbarometer data from the SEED data format using ObsPy.


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Microbarometer read/plot from Python

Easy Python program for reading and plotting SEED microbarometer data. Uses ObsPy.


python -m pip install -e .

If you have trouble installing PROJ.4, try

conda install cartopy


import microbarometer as mb

data = mb.load('myfile.asc')

Data format

ObsPy is mostly for MiniSEED, and wasn't able to read the particular .seed files we had. An alternative method is to convert SEED to SAC format:

  1. Download rdseed utility. The executable rdseed.rh6.linux_64 worked for me on Ubuntu as well.
  2. extract executable. For Ubuntu:
    tar xf rdseedv*.tar.gz rdseedv*/rdseed.rh6.linux_64
    mv rdseedv*/rdseed* rdseed
  3. convert SEED to SAC, for example to write SAC ASCII (readable by Pandas)
    ../rdseed -f myfile.seed -o 6 -d

Other output formats are possible via the -o option.


To get help:

./rdseed -h

channel BDO is "Bottom Pressure" in Pascals.

  • Convert SEED to SAC (readable by ObsPy, MatSAC, etc.):
    ./rdseed -f myfile.seed -d
  • List time range of data with -t option:
    ./rdseed -f myfile.seed -t
  • Read SEED headers (extensive metadata):
    ./rdseed -f myfile.seed -s