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Spoiler Alert

Stop ruining things for people on the internet.

The internet is a wonderful but sometimes terrible place. Don't make it any worse by ruining things for people. Seriously, let's try to clean up the internet and make it a better place.

This block style hides whatever content you apply it to behind a black box with a button to reveal it. This feature works not only works on the paragraph blocks but also image ones.

The only limit on how you use Spoiler Alert is your imagination

  • What if you are talking about a movie/tv show/book and want to give people a heads up if they haven't seen/read it yet.
  • What if you are writing a gender reveal post and you want to add a little suspense by hiding the image that reveals the gender.
  • What if you are putting out some content that you think it a little mature and you want to make sure people are really sure that they are ready to read it.
  • What if you are making a quiz and you don't want people accidentally reading the answers before they've made their guess.

I like this, who made it?

This plugin is brought to you by sorta brilliant and block garden.