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Software Developer Coding Challenge

Hello there and welcome to our coding challenge. Buckel up and enjoy the ride.


Before we start there are some rules of engagement:

  1. Submissions must be formulated as GitHub merge requests
  2. You can make smaller commits and MRs so that we can see the gradual progress
  3. Please respect the given deadline

Setup before starting

The Challenge

The challenge consits in:

1. The Movie DB Demo App

Write a small The Movies DB App made up of a main screen and a details screen.

2. Features

The design of the app is open to the implementer and given the timie is short doesn't need to be ultra polished. Having that in mind the minimum requirements are as follow:

  • Main screen should contain a similar to grid layout, which shows the title, a poster as backdgrop.
  • Detail screen should show the movie explanation, cast, and some additional movie meta data like release date, ranking.
  • You can also use loading screens or spinners and or in out animations as a transition between screens.
  • For an inspiration on a design see:

3. Tech Stack

The app should make use of MVVM or MVI architecture, REST or GraphQL(that would be an additional +1) http client, kotin coroutines, jetpack compose for views, an API interface and/or service, a repositiory and persistence using DataStore.

Good luck & have fun !


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