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Heifer is a new verifier for effectful higher-order programs.


You will need OCaml 5.

opam install . --deps-only

Use dune exec parsing/hip.exe $EXAMPLE to run examples. Effect-related programs are in src/evaluation, higher-order programs are in src/examples.


SYH - Build

opam switch 5.0.0

brew install python3

opam install dune menhir ppx_deriving ppx_expect brr js_of_ocaml-compiler unionFind visitors z3

sudo npm install browserify -g 

which browserify

dune build
dune test
cd parsing 
ocamllex lexer.mll
menhir parser.mly 

dune exec parsing/hip.exe src/evaluation/

dune exec parsing/hip.exe src/demo/ dune exec parsing/hip.exe src/demo/ dune exec parsing/hip.exe src/demo/ dune exec parsing/hip.exe src/demo/ dune exec parsing/hip.exe src/demo/ dune exec parsing/hip.exe src/demo/ dune exec parsing/hip.exe src/demo/ dune exec parsing/hip.exe src/demo/