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SolidCompany.Wrappers.WkHtmlToImage is a .NET Core wrapper for a part of an open-source project wkhtmltopdf which is wkhtmltoimage. It supports converting an HTML to images in a selected format.

Get Packages

You can get SolidCompany.Wrappers.WkHtmlToImage package by downloading it from NuGet feed.

Getting Started

SolidCompany.Wrappers.WkHtmlToImage easily integrates with .NET Core Dependency Injection. You need only one line of code to get everything working:

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
    // ...

    // ...

Now you are free to use this powerful tool by injecting IHtmlToImage into a constructor:

public class SampleService
    private readonly IHtmlToImage htmlToImage;

    public SampleService(IHtmlToImage htmlToImage)
        this.htmlToImage = htmlToImage;

    public async Task<Stream> ConvertHtmlToImageAsync(string html, int widthPx)
        return await htmlToImage.CreateImageAsync(html, widthPx, ImageFormat.Png);

Image height is automatically scaled to width which preserves a valid ratio.


You can pass a few additional options to configuration:

services.AddHtmlToImageConversion((serviceProvider, options) =>
    options.DependencyLogger = new ApplicationInsightsDependencyLogger(serviceProvider.GetRequiredService<TelemetryClient>());
    options.ExecutionTimeout = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(2);
    options.ExectuionDirectory = new CustomDirectory("C:/Temp");

DependencyLogger allows to track every wkhtmltoimage call with Azure Application Insights. To use it you need SolidCompany.Wrappers.Logging.ApplicationInsights package.

ExecutionTimeout lets you specify a maximum wkhtmltoimage execution time. Default is 30 seconds.

ExectuionDirectory specifies where the exe file is run and where temporary files are created. By default %TEMP%\SolidCompany.Wrappers.WkHtmlToImage directory is used.