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Assets to monitor Kubernetes infrastructure using SolarWinds Observability

Table of contents

Development documentation:


This repository contains:

  • Source files for Helm chart swo-k8s-collector, used for collecting metrics (provided by existing Prometheus server), events and logs and exporting them to SolarWinds Observability platform.
  • Dockerfile for an image published to Docker hub, that is deployed as part of Kubernetes monitoring
  • All related sources that are built into that:
    • Custom OpenTelemetry Collector processors
    • OpenTelemetry Collector configuration

Components that are being deployed:

  • Service account - identity of deployed pods
  • Deployment - customized OpenTelemetry Collector deployment, configured to poll Prometheus instance(s)
  • ConfigMap - configuration of OpenTelemetry Collector
  • DaemonSet - customized OpenTelemetry Collector deployment, configured to poll container logs


Walk through Add Kubernetes wizard in SolarWinds Observability


  • Each Kubernetes version is supported for 15 months after its initial release. For example, version 1.27 released on April 11, 2023 is supported until July 11, 2024. For release dates for individual Kubernetes versions, see Patch Releases in Kubernetes documentation.
    • Local Kubernetes deployments (e.q. Minikube) are not supported (although most of the functionality may be working).
    • Note: since Kubernetes v1.24 Docker container runtime will not be reporting pod level network metrics (kubenet and other network plumbing was removed from upstream as part of the dockershim removal/deprecation)
  • Supported architectures: Linux x86-64 (amd64), Linux ARM (arm64), Windows x86-64 (amd64).


The Helm chart that you are about to deploy to your cluster has various configuration options. The full list, including the default settings, is available in values.yaml.

Internally, it contains OpenTelemetry Collector configuration, which defines the metrics and logs to be monitored as well as their preprocessing.

WARNING: Custom modifications to OpenTelemetry Collector configurations can lead to unexpected swo-k8s-collector behavior, data loss, and subsequent entity ingestion failures on the Solarwinds Observability platform side.


The swo-k8s-collector collects metrics from a Prometheus instance. To configure its address, set

      url: <some_address>

Alternatively, for testing purposes, you can also let the collector deploy a Prometheus server for you.

  enabled: true

Once deployed to a Kubernetes cluster, the metrics collection and processing configuration is stored as a ConfigMap under the metrics.config key.

In order to reduce the size of the collected data, the swo-k8s-collector collects only selected metrics that are key for successful entity ingestion on the SolarWinds Observability side. The list of observed metrics can be extended by setting otel.metrics.extra_scrape_metrics value. Example:

      - node_cpu_seconds_total
      - node_cpu_guest_seconds_total

The list of metrics collected by default:

Native Kubernetes metrics are in a format that requires additional processing on the collector side to produce meaningful time series data that can later be consumed and displayed by the Solarwinds Observability platform.

Processors included in the collector:


Once deployed to a Kubernetes cluster, the logs collection and processing configuration is stored as a ConfigMap under the logs.config key.

To avoid processing an excessive amount of data, the swo-k8s-collector collects container logs only in kube-* namespaces, which means it only collects logs from the internal Kubernetes container. This behavior can be modified by setting otel.logs.filter value. An example for scraping logs from all namespaces:

        match_type: regexp
          - key:
            value: ^.*$

Receive 3d party metrics

SWO K8s Collector has otlp service endpoint which is able to receive and send metrics into SWO. All incoming metrics are decorated with prefix k8s. and properly associated with current cluster.

Service endpoint is provided in format


OpenTelemetry Collector configuration example

In case you want to send data from your OpenTelementry Collector into SWO you can either send them directly into public otlp endpoint or you can send them via our swo k8s collector to have better binding. To do that add following exporter into your configuration.

     endpoint: <chart-name>-metrics-collector.<namespace>.svc.cluster.local:4317

Telegraf configuration example

Telegraf is a plugin-driven server agent used for collecting and reporting metrics.

Telegraf metrics can be sent into our endpoint by adding following fragment to your values.yaml

   - opentelemetry:
       service_address: <chart-name>-metrics-collector.<namespace>.svc.cluster.local:4317