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SOAJS helm is to deploy SOAJS using Helm Chart

Complete Documentation

More information is available on SOAJS website under the section for HELM.


Copyright SOAJS All Rights Reserved.

Use of this source code is governed by an Apache license that can be found in the LICENSE file at the root of this repository.

CLI help

To install soajs data

 helm install -name soajs-data --namespace soajs ./soajs-data/ -f ./values.yaml
 helm install -name soajs-data-claim --namespace soajs ./soajs-data-claim/ -f ./values.yaml

To install soajs mongo

 helm install -name soajs-mongo --namespace soajs ./soajs-mongo/ -f ./values.yaml

To install soajs mongo bridge, if you want to access the DB from the external

 helm install -name soajs-mongo-bridge --namespace soajs ./soajs-mongo-bridge/ -f ./values.yaml
 helm install -name soajs-mongo-bridge --namespace soajs ./soajs-mongo-bridge-lb/ -f ./values.yaml

To install soajs gateway, you must wait for soajsdata to be ready

 helm install -name soajs-controller --namespace soajs ./soajs-controller/ -f ./values.yaml

To install soajs ui, you must wait for gateway to be ready

 helm install -name soajs-ui --namespace soajs ./soajs-ui/ -f ./values.yaml
#or this for ssl, before running this you need to copy (tls.crt, tls.key) into soajs-ui-ssl/resources
 helm install -name soajs-ui --namespace soajs ./soajs-ui-ssl/ -f ./values.yaml

To install soajs ui bridge, you must wait for ui to be ready

 helm install -name soajs-ui-bridge --namespace soajs ./soajs-ui-bridge-np/ -f ./values.yaml
 helm install -name soajs-ui-bridge --namespace soajs ./soajs-ui-bridge-lb/ -f ./values.yaml

To install soajs oauth, you must wait for gateway to be ready

 helm install -name soajs-oauth --namespace soajs ./soajs-oauth/ -f ./values.yaml

To install soajs urac, you must wait for gateway to be ready

 helm install -name soajs-urac --namespace soajs ./soajs-urac/ -f ./values.yaml

To install soajs multitenant, you must wait for gateway to be ready

 helm install -name soajs-multitenant --namespace soajs ./soajs-multitenant/ -f ./values.yaml

To install soajs marketplace, you must wait for gateway to be ready

 helm install -name soajs-marketplace --namespace soajs ./soajs-marketplace/ -f ./values.yaml

To install soajs repositories, you must wait for gateway to be ready

 helm install -name soajs-repositories --namespace soajs ./soajs-repositories/ -f ./values.yaml

To install soajs infra, you must wait for gateway to be ready

 helm install -name soajs-infra --namespace soajs ./soajs-infra/ -f ./values.yaml

To install soajs console, you must wait for gateway to be ready

 helm install -name soajs-console --namespace soajs ./soajs-console/ -f ./values.yaml


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