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snipe edited this page Nov 23, 2013 · 1 revision

Asset management is one of the core features of Snipe IT.

An asset can basically have one of a few statuses:

  • Pending: Not assigned to anyone, and status is null. This is used when (for example) you have a newly purchased asset that needs to be checked in once it's ready to deploy. For assets like keyboards, there's not really any prep work that has to happen, but for assets like laptops, your team may need to install software, etc, so just because it's in your possession doesn't mean it's ready.

  • Ready to Deploy: Not assigned to anyone and status is 1. This means that this asset is 100% ready to go, and should be considered part of inventory that could be checked out to a user at any time.

  • Un-Deployable: Not assigned to anyone and status > 1. The asset may be broken, out for diagnostics, lost or stolen, etc. You can create your own custom labels for why an item cannot be deployed.

  • Deployed: Assigned to a user. This means the asset has been checked out to a user.

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