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Running multiple nodes locally isolated for manual testing

gz-c edited this page Oct 21, 2018 · 6 revisions

A way to run multiple nodes locally for testing:

  • Choose a unique port for each node you wish to run. e.g. 3 nodes with ports 6001, 6002, 6003

  • Create a file localhost-peers.txt, e.g.:
  • Open a terminal shell for each node you wish to run.

  • Use the following invocation for each node:

PORT=6001; ./ \
  -localhost-only \
  -disable-default-peers \
  -custom-peers-file=localhost-peers.txt \
  -download-peerlist=false \
  -launch-browser=false \
  -data-dir=/tmp/$PORT \
  -web-interface-port=$(expr $PORT + 420) \

Replace PORT= with the correct port number.

This will run a node on $PORT with its own data-dir of /tmp/$PORT and expose the web API on $PORT + 420 (e.g. 6421).

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