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Data structure,Algorithms implemented in Go (for education)


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List of Content :

1. Math - 2. String Manipulation - 3. Conversions & input - 4. Data structure - 5. Tree Data Structure - 6. Graph Data Structure - 7. Algorithm - 8. Sorting Algorithm - 9. Searching Algorithm - 10. Tree Algorithm - 11. Graph Algorithm - 12. Dynamic programming - 13. Cryptography/Ciphers (encryptions) - 14. Design Pattern

1. Math (Read)

2. String manipulation

3. Conversions & input

4. Data structure

  • Heap:

    Binary Heap Why is Binary Heap Preferred over BST for Priority Queue? Binomial Heap Fibonacci Heap Heap Sort K’th Largest Element in an array Sort an almost sorted array/ Tournament Tree (Winner Tree) and Binary Heap

  • Hashmap

  • Hash Table

  • Dictionary

  • Graph

5. Tree Data Structure

  • complete binary tree

  • full binary tree

  • Linked List Advantages

  • What is Data Structure

  • Heap Data Structure

  • Types of Trees in Data Structure

  • AVL Tree in Data Structure

  • B Tree in Data Structure

  • B+ Tree in Data Structure

  • Arrays in Data Structure

  • Graph in Data Structure

  • Graph Representation

  • Breadth First Search

  • Depth Limited Search

  • Pointers in Data Structure

Types of Graph in Data Structure

Tree Traversal in Data Structure Tree Traversal Techniques

Splay Tree in Data Structure Spanning Tree Algorithm Sparse Matrix in Data Structure

Skip List Data Structure

Kruskal’s Algorithm Prim’s Algorithm BFS VS DFS BCNF Skip List

Trees and Tree Algorithms

7.1. Objectives 7.2. Examples of Trees 7.3. Vocabulary and Definitions 7.4. List of Lists Representation 7.5. Nodes and References 7.6. Parse Tree 7.7. Tree Traversals 7.8. Priority Queues with Binary Heaps 7.9. Binary Heap Operations 7.10. Binary Heap Implementation 7.10.1. The Structure Property 7.10.2. The Heap Order Property 7.10.3. Heap Operations 7.11. Binary Search Trees 7.12. Search Tree Operations 7.13. Search Tree Implementation 7.14. Search Tree Analysis 7.15. Balanced Binary Search Trees 7.16. AVL Tree Performance 7.17. AVL Tree Implementation 7.18. Summary of Map ADT Implementations 7.19. Summary 7.20. Key Terms 7.21. Discussion Questions 7.22. Programming Exercises

6. Graph Data Structure

Introduction, DFS and BFS :

Graph and its representations Breadth First Traversal for a Graph Depth First Traversal for a Graph Applications of Depth First Search Applications of Breadth First Traversal Graph representations using set and hash Find Mother Vertex in a Graph Transitive Closure of a Graph using DFS Find K cores of an undirected Graph Iterative Depth First Search Count the number of nodes at given level in a tree using BFS Count all possible paths between two vertices Minimum initial vertices to traverse whole matrix with given conditions Shortest path to reach one prime to other by changing single digit at a time Water Jug problem using BFS Count number of trees in a forest BFS using vectors & queue as per the algorithm of CLRS Level of Each node in a Tree from source node Construct binary palindrome by repeated appending and trimming Transpose graph Path in a Rectangle with Circles Height of a generic tree from parent array BFS using STL for competitive coding DFS for a n-ary tree (acyclic graph) represented as adjacency list Maximum number of edges to be added to a tree so that it stays a Bipartite graph A Peterson Graph Problem Implementation of Graph in JavaScript Print all paths from a given source to a destination using BFS Minimum number of edges between two vertices of a Graph Count nodes within K-distance from all nodes in a set Bidirectional Search Minimum edge reversals to make a root BFS for Disconnected Graph Move weighting scale alternate under given constraints Best First Search (Informed Search) Number of pair of positions in matrix which are not accessible Maximum product of two non-intersecting paths in a tree Delete Edge to minimize subtree sum difference Find the minimum number of moves needed to move from one cell of matrix to another Minimum steps to reach target by a Knight | Set 1 Minimum number of operation required to convert number x into y Minimum steps to reach end of array under constraints Find the smallest binary digit multiple of given number Roots of a tree which give minimum height Stepping Numbers Clone an Undirected Graph Sum of the minimum elements in all connected components of an undirected graph Check if two nodes are on same path in a tree A matrix probability question Find length of the largest region in Boolean Matrix Iterative Deepening Search(IDS) or Iterative Deepening Depth First Search(IDDFS)

Graph Cycle :

Detect Cycle in a Directed Graph Detect cycle in an undirected graph Detect cycle in a direct graph using colors Assign directions to edges so that the directed graph remains acyclic Detect a negative cycle in a Graph | (Bellman Ford) Cycles of length n in an undirected and connected graph Detecting negative cycle using Floyd Warshall Check if there is a cycle with odd weight sum in an undirected graph Check if a graphs has a cycle of odd length Clone a Directed Acyclic Graph Check loop in array according to given constraints Disjoint Set (Or Union-Find) | Set 1 Union-Find Algorithm | Set 2 Union-Find Algorithm | (Union By Rank and Find by Optimized Path Compression) Magical Indices in an array

Topological Sorting :

Topological Sorting All topological sorts of a Directed Acyclic Graph Kahn’s Algorithm for Topological Sorting Maximum edges that can be added to DAG so that is remains DAG Longest path between any pair of vertices Longest Path in a Directed Acyclic Graph Longest Path in a Directed Acyclic Graph | Set 2 Topological Sort of a graph using departure time of vertex Given a sorted dictionary of an alien language, find order of characters

Minimum Spanning Tree :

Prim’s Minimum Spanning Tree (MST)) Applications of Minimum Spanning Tree Problem Prim’s MST for Adjacency List Representation Kruskal’s Minimum Spanning Tree Algorithm Boruvka’s algorithm for Minimum Spanning Tree Minimum cost to connect all cities Steiner Tree Reverse Delete Algorithm for Minimum Spanning Tree Total number of Spanning Trees in a Graph Minimum Product Spanning Tree

BackTracking :

Find if there is a path of more than k length from a source Tug of War The Knight-Tour Problem Rat in a Maze n-Queen’s Problem m Coloring Problem Hamiltonian Cycle Permutation of numbers such that sum of two consecutive numbers is a perfect square

Shortest Paths :

Dijkstra’s shortest path algorithm Dijkstra’s Algorithm for Adjacency List Representation Bellman–Ford Algorithm Floyd Warshall Algorithm Johnson’s algorithm for All-pairs shortest paths Shortest Path in Directed Acyclic Graph Shortest path with exactly k edges in a directed and weighted graph Dial’s Algorithm Printing paths in Dijsktra’s Algorithm Shortest path of a weighted graph where weight is 1 or 2 Multistage Graph (Shortest Path) Shortest path in an unweighted graph Minimize the number of weakly connected nodes Betweenness Centrality (Centrality Measure) Comparison of Dijkstra’s and Floyd–Warshall algorithms Karp’s minimum mean (or average) weight cycle algorithm 0-1 BFS (Shortest Path in a Binary Weight Graph) Find minimum weight cycle in an undirected graph Minimum Cost Path with Left, Right, Bottom and Up moves allowed Minimum edges to reverse to make path from a src to a dest Find Shortest distance from a guard in a Bank

Connectivity :

Find if there is a path between two vertices in a directed graph Connectivity in a directed graph Articulation Points (or Cut Vertices) in a Graph Biconnected Components Biconnected graph Bridges in a graph Eulerian path and circuit Fleury’s Algorithm for printing Eulerian Path or Circuit Strongly Connected Components Transitive closure of a graph Find the number of islands Find the number of Islands | Set 2 (Using Disjoint Set) Count all possible walks from a source to a destination with exactly k edges Euler Circuit in a Directed Graph Count the number of non-reachable nodes Find the Degree of a Particular vertex in a Graph Check if a given graph is tree or not Minimum edges required to add to make Euler Circuit Eulerian Path in undirected graph Find if there is a path of more than k length Length of shortest chain to reach the target word Print all paths from a given source to destination Find minimum cost to reach destination using train Find if an array of strings can be chained to form a circle | Set 1 Find if an array of strings can be chained to form a circle | Set 2 Tarjan’s Algorithm to find strongly connected Components Number of loops of size k starting from a specific node Paths to travel each nodes using each edge (Seven Bridges of Königsberg) Number of cyclic elements in an array where we can jump according to value Number of groups formed in a graph of friends Minimum cost to connect weighted nodes represented as array Count single node isolated sub-graphs in a disconnected graph Calculate number of nodes between two vertices in an acyclic Graph by Disjoint Union method Dynamic Connectivity | Set 1 (Incremental) Check if a graph is strongly connected | Set 1 (Kosaraju using DFS) Check if a given directed graph is strongly connected | Set 2 (Kosaraju using BFS) Check if removing a given edge disconnects a graph Find all reachable nodes from every node present in a given set Connected Components in an undirected graph k’th heaviest adjacent node in a graph where each vertex has weight

Maximum Flow :

Ford-Fulkerson Algorithm for Maximum Flow Problem Find maximum number of edge disjoint paths between two vertices Find minimum s-t cut in a flow network Maximum Bipartite Matching Channel Assignment Problem Push Relabel- Set 1-Introduction Push Relabel- Set 2- Implementation Karger’s Algorithm- Set 1- Introduction and Implementation Karger’s Algorithm- Set 2 – Analysis and Applications Dinic’s algorithm for Maximum Flow Max Flow Problem Introduction

STL Implementation of Algorithms :

Kruskal’s Minimum Spanning Tree using STL in C++ Prim’s Algorithm using Priority Queue STL Dijkstra’s Shortest Path Algorithm using STL Dijkstra’s Shortest Path Algorithm using set in STL Graph implementation using STL for competitive programming | Set 2 (Weighted graph)

Hard Problems :

Graph Coloring (Introduction and Applications) Greedy Algorithm for Graph Coloring Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) Implementation Travelling Salesman Problem (Naive and Dynamic Programming) Travelling Salesman Problem (Approximate using MST) Vertex Cover Problem | Set 1 (Introduction and Approximate Algorithm) K Centers Problem | Set 1 (Greedy Approximate Algorithm) Erdos Renyl Model (for generating Random Graphs) Clustering Coefficient in Graph Theory Chinese Postman or Route Inspection | Set 1 (introduction) Hierholzer’s Algorithm for directed graph

Misc :

Number of triangles in an undirected Graph Number of triangles in directed and undirected Graph Check whether a given graph is Bipartite or not Snake and Ladder Problem Minimize Cash Flow among a given set of friends who have borrowed money from each other Boggle (Find all possible words in a board of characters) Hopcroft Karp Algorithm for Maximum Matching-Introduction Hopcroft Karp Algorithm for Maximum Matching-Implementation Minimum Time to rot all oranges Find same contents in a list of contacts Hypercube Graph Check for star graph Optimal read list for a given number of days Print all jumping numbers smaller than or equal to a given value Fibonacci Cube Graph Barabasi Albert Graph (for Scale Free Models) Construct a graph from given degrees of all vertices Degree Centrality (Centrality Measure) Katz Centrality (Centrality Measure) Mathematics | Graph theory practice questions 2-Satisfiability (2-SAT) Problem Determine whether a universal sink exists in a directed graph Number of sink nodes in a graph Largest subset of Graph vertices with edges of 2 or more colors NetworkX : Python software package for study of complex networks Generate a graph using Dictionary in Python Count number of edges in an undirected graph Two Clique Problem (Check if Graph can be divided in two Cliques) Check whether given degrees of vertices represent a Graph or Tree Finding minimum vertex cover size of a graph using binary search Stable Marriage Problem Sum of dependencies in a graph

7. Algorithm

  • [Rabin-Karp Algorithm ](./10.Algorithm/Rabin-Karp Algorithm.go) Link list

Heap heapify

Sorting Marge sort Quick sort

Divide and conquer Knapsack Huffman coding Prims and kuskals Dijkstra Greedy Multi stage graph Floyd warshall Belmanford Dynamic programming Graph Hamiltonian cycle Robin karp

Binary tree Binary search tree AVL tree B tree and B+ tree DFS BFS


Tower of hanoi

Single source shortest path

8. Sorting Algorithms :

9. Searching Algorithms :

10. Tree Algorithm

11. Graph Algorithm

12. Dynamic programming

Dynamic programming : 80

  • 0-1 knapsack problem - 6

    • Subset sum

    • Equal sum partition

    • Count of subset sum

    • Minimum subset sum diff

    • Target sum

    • # of subset & genis

  • Unbound knapsack problem - 5

  • Fibonacci - 7

  • Longest common subsequence (LCS) - 15

  • Longest increasing subsequence (LIS) - 10

  • Kadane’s algorithm - 6

  • Matrix chain multiplication - 7

  • DP on trees - 4

  • DP on grid - 14

  • Others - 5

    13. Cryptography/Ciphers (encryptions)

  • Bcrypt

  • Scrypt

  • SHA

  • hmac

  • Caesar

  • Diffie Hellman Key Exchange

  • Polybius

  • Rot13

  • Rsa

  • Xor

14. Design Patterns

  • Creational Patterns
    • Abstract Factory -Provides an interface for creating families of releated objects
    • Builder -Builds a complex object using simple objects
    • Factory Method -Defers instantiation of an object to a specialized function for creating instances
    • Object Pool -Instantiates and maintains a group of objects instances of the same type
    • Singleton -Restricts instantiation of a type to one object
  • Structural Patterns
    • Bridge -Decouples an interface from its implementation so that the two can vary independently
    • Composite -Encapsulates and provides access to a number of different objects
    • Decorator -Adds behavior to an object, statically or dynamically
    • Facade -Uses one type as an API to a number of others
    • Flyweight -Reuses existing instances of objects with similar/identical state to minimize resource usage
    • Proxy -Provides a surrogate for an object to control it's actions
  • Behavioral Patterns
    • Chain of Responsibility -Avoids coupling a sender to receiver by giving more than object a chance to handle the request
    • Command -Bundles a command and arguments to call later
    • Mediator -Connects objects and acts as a proxy
    • Memento -Generate an opaque token that can be used to go back to a previous state
    • Observer -Provide a callback for notification of events/changes to data
    • Registry -Keep track of all subclasses of a given class
    • State -Encapsulates varying behavior for the same object based on its internal state
    • Strategy -Enables an algorithm's behavior to be selected at runtime
    • Template -Defines a skeleton class which defers some methods to subclasses
    • Visitor -Separates an algorithm from an object on which it operates
  • Synchronization Patterns
    • Condition Variable -Provides a mechanism for threads to temporarily give up access in order to wait for some condition
    • Lock/Mutex -Enforces mutual exclusion limit on a resource to gain exclusive access
    • Monitor -Combination of mutex and condition variable patterns
    • Read-Write Lock -Allows parallel read access, but only exclusive access on write operations to a resource
    • Semaphore -Allows controlling access to a common resource
  • Concurrency Patterns
    • N-Barrier -Prevents a process from proceeding until all N processes reach to the barrier
    • Bounded Parallelism -Completes large number of independent tasks with resource limits
    • Broadcast -Transfers a message to all recipients simultaneously
    • Coroutines -Subroutines that allow suspending and resuming execution at certain locations
    • Generators -Yields a sequence of values one at a time
    • Reactor -Demultiplexes service requests delivered concurrently to a service handler and dispatches them syncronously to the associated request handlers
    • Parallelism -Completes large number of independent tasks
    • Producer Consumer -Separates tasks from task executions
  • Messaging Patterns
    • Fan-In -Funnels tasks to a work sink (e.g. server)
    • Fan-Out -Distributes tasks among workers (e.g. producer)
    • Futures & Promises -Acts as a place-holder of a result that is initially unknown for synchronization purposes
    • Publish/Subscribe -Passes information to a collection of recipients who subscribed to a topic
    • Push & Pull -Distributes messages to multiple workers, arranged in a pipeline
  • Stability Patterns
    • Bulkheads -Enforces a principle of failure containment (i.e. prevents cascading failures)
    • Circuit-Breaker -Stops the flow of the requests when requests are likely to fail
    • Deadline -Allows clients to stop waiting for a response once the probability of response becomes low (e.g. after waiting 10 seconds for a page refresh)
    • Fail-Fast -Checks the availability of required resources at the start of a request and fails if the requirements are not satisfied
    • Handshaking -Asks a component if it can take any more load, if it can't, the request is declined
    • Steady-State -For every service that accumulates a resource, some other service must recycle that resource
  • Profiling Patterns
  • Idioms
    • Functional Options -Allows creating clean APIs with sane defaults and idiomatic overrides
  • Anti-Patterns
    • Cascading Failures -A failure in a system of interconnected parts in which the failure of a part causes a domino effect