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This is a personal portfolio template built using Tailwind CSS and Next.js.

This template is built with Next.js v13.5 and Tailwind CSS v3, leveraging the latest App Router and server component functionalities. It's Powered by MDX, with Contentlayer integration.

Getting Started

First, install the dependencies. Navigate to the project directory in your terminal and run:

npm install
# or
yarn install  # if you have Yarn installed

This will install all required dependencies and place them in a folder called node_modules in the root directory.

Once the dependencies are installed, you can run the development server:

npm run dev
# or
yarn dev

Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to view the website.

File Structure

All of the code for this template is located in the /src folder. The folder contains the following:

  • components - Directory of reusable components
  • app - Contains the site route components and layouts
  • content - Contains all the mdx content files for the blog and case studies powered by contentlayer.
  • images - Directory of images used across the site, including logos
  • styles - Contains the entry point CSS file for Tailwind CSS and additional typography styles for Prism
  • lib - Contains custom scripts for getting articles and case studies.

Note that in order to more concisely import images and components, we defined a module path alias to the /src directory inside the jsconfig.json file at the root of our project. To learn more about module aliases you can check out Vercel's documentation on the subject.

MDX Content

All of the content for the site is stored in mdx files in the src/content directory. Jane uses contentlayer, to access, model and transform this content into data throughout the blog and work sections.

In order to model your data correctly, contentlayer needs to know the shape of your content — your content schema. This content schema is stored and defined in the root of the project in the contentlayer.config.js file.

To add a blog post or case study, simply add the data to its corresponding directory in the src/content directory. Make sure that the data structure is the same as the content schema defined in the contentlayer.config.js file for that corresponding model.

MDX Rendering with MdxContent

The template provides a specialized component called MdxContent which renders your MDX content with the help of the useMDXComponent hook from next-contentlayer/hooks. This component is situated in the src/components/mdx directory.

The MdxContent component defines Image and Link mdx components that are wrapper components for the Next.js Link and Image components respectively.

Both of these helper components, along with any future ones you might add, are also housed in the src/components/mdx directory. This modular approach allows you to easily extend or customize the behavior of MDX elements as your project grows.

Tailwind CSS

This theme uses the latest version of Tailwind CSS: v3.3.

Tailwind CSS and its dependencies were installed via npm as recommended by the official Tailwind installation docs for next.js. If you are not familiar with the Tailwind CSS framework, I would recommend checking out the Tailwind documentation.

You can find the tailwind.config.js and postcss.config.js files at the root of the directory. The entry point CSS file is located at src/styles/globals.css. This file contains the @tailwind directives.

There is an additonal prism.css stylesheet for prism.js codeblock syntax styles used in the blog posts.

We've tried to minimize any custom CSS and only rely on Tailwind's utility classes and a few additional classes defined within the tailwind.config.js file. This template additionally uses 3 official Tailwind CSS plugins (@tailwindcss/forms, @tailwindcss/aspect-ratio, and @tailwindcss/typography).


This template uses the Inter, Lexend, and the Gochi Hand Google Font families. The template uses the latest next/font to automatically optimize the fonts and remove external network requests for improved privacy and performance.


The icons used for this theme are part of the Hero Icons set that is free to use and published under the MIT License.

Some of the examples in Jane use Nucleo App icons which we have acquired a license for. You are free to use the Nucleo icons included in this template on your projects, but if you are interested in using the rest of their premium icons you can buy a license on their website.


All of the images used in the template are free to use and are either from Unsplash, Pexels, or custom-made.

Deploy on Vercel

The easiest way to deploy your Next.js app is to use the Vercel Platform by the creators of Next.js.

Check out their Next.js deployment documentation for more details.


This site template is a commercial product and is licensed under the Tailwind Awesome license.

Learn More

To learn more about Next.js, take a look at the following resources:


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