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馃捇 A Halad贸 Fejleszt茅si Technik谩k t谩rgyhoz tartoz贸 laboranyagok, h谩zi 茅s gyakorl贸 feladatok k贸djai.


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General information

This repository contains lab and lecture materials of the HFT / ADT subjects.

Older materials from previous semesters have been moved to the _ARCHIVED folder.

This repository contains lab materials, codes, lecture slides and all the other materials for the Advanced Development Techniques subject held at 脫E NIK.

Folder structure, what is what

  • LA-xx-yy => contains each lab occasion's codes (both for HFT and ADT)
  • _archived => contains old codes, made in .NET Framework
  • _other-materials => other materials like slides, images, pdf and xls results
    • old-results => exam results of the previous semesters
    • HFT-LA-slides => lab materials regarding the Hungarian Halad贸 Fejleszt茅si Technik谩k subject
    • ADT-lecture-materials => lecture materials regarding the English Advanced Development Techniques subject

Useful links

Official requirements


Official schedule can be found in the official requirements, please take a look at those. Please note that small changes / delays can occur during the weeks.

If you have any problem or demand feel free to reach out to me via email or create an issue in this repository.

B谩rmi k茅rd茅s, probl茅ma vagy megl谩t谩s eset茅n 谩llok rendelkez茅sre az al谩bbi el茅rhet艖s茅gen, vagy hozz l茅tre egy issue-t itt a rep贸ban.

Sipos Mikl贸s
Egyetemi Tan谩rseg茅d
脫budai Egyetem Neumann J谩nos Informatikai Kar
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