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Github Machine User

Vanessa Sochat edited this page Feb 1, 2019 · 1 revision

Since we are committing to a repository from Continuous Integration, the easiest option (and one that doesn't put your entire GitHub account under risk) is to create a machine user. This comes down to creating a second GitHub user account (with a different email) and then giving the account permission to the repository, and generate an ssh key for it. Here are instructions for setting up credentials, derived from this great resource.

Instructions Open a second browser so you can stay logged into your main Github account in one browser, and create a new Github account there. You will basically need another email address, and a creative username.

  • your machine user must first be added as a collaborator to the project (make sure to accept via the email in the browser the machine user is logged into)
  • you must then log in to CircleCI with your machine user and click on Jobs to see the project
  • when you see it, click on any of the steps and click on "Follow Project" in the upper right
  • Under the project settings (gear icon in the upper right) under "Permissions" click on "Checkout SSH keys" and then click the button to "Add user key." If you don't do this, it will give you an error that the key is read only.