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DirectXMath in C

This is an adaptation of the official DirectXMath C++ library using C.

This was done for educational purposes, in order to learn better about SIMD and DirectX.

How to build (MSVC)

To run the tests, build with the following CMake command: cmake -B build-test -S . -DXM_USE_TEST=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug

To do the same disabling intrinsics: cmake -B build-test -S . -DXM_NO_INTRINSICS=ON -DXM_USE_TEST=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug

To run the tests, run the following: ctest --test-dir build-test -C Debug -V

Installing (to use in other projects)

cmake -S . -B build-install
cmake --build build-install --target INSTALL

This will generate the folder xmathc, probably in C:/. This will allow us to use xmathc in other projects.