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Low Dose CT Denoising using Cycle GAN

Using Low Dose CT data from AAPM

You can find details about Low Dose CT Grand Challenge from this Official Website.

You can download data set(~7.6GB) from data link.

Download the and extract. After you can find data folder, place data folder in main project directory. Main project directory must be configured as follow.

│  .gitignore
│  inference.ipynb
│  inference_unet.ipynb
│  make_noise_target.ipynb
│  train.ipynb
│  train_unet.ipynb
│  ├─test
│  │  ├─fd
│  │  │      1.npy
│  │  │      2.npy
│  │  │      3.npy
|  |  |      ... 
│  │  │      
│  │  └─qd
│  │          1.npy
│  │          2.npy
│  │          3.npy
|  |          ...
│  │          
│  └─train
│      ├─fd
│      │      1.npy
│      │      2.npy
│      │      3.npy
|      |      ...
│      │      
│      └─qd
│              1.npy
│              2.npy
│              3.npy
|              ...


  • The goal of this challenge and our project is to de-noise low dose(quarter dose) CT Image to get high dose(full dose) CT Image.

Data Preview

Inside the data folder you will find two sub folder qd and fd each representing quarter dose and full dose.

Quarter dose corresponds to low dose and full dose corresponds to high dose.

Typical data look like below.

You can see the noise in quarter dose image compared to full dose image.

For clarity, I also included center cropped image below.

Model Structure


For the generator, we used U-net based generator.


For the discriminator, we used 70X70 PatchGAN.

Train Result

We used Adam optimizer with a batch size of 8, total epoch was 80 epochs. Initial learning rate was 0.0002. First half the total epoch, I remained same learning rate and linearly decay the learning rate to zero over the next remaining epochs.

Below is the PSNR(Peak Signal to Noise Ratio) between Ground truth(full dose CT image) with U-net generator generated image.

For the other loss values during training, you can find graph image inside images_README folder.


  • PSNR
    • Average PSNR between Test set Quarter Dose and Test set Full Dose: 26.9565dB
    • Average PSNR between Test set Full Dose and U-net Generator generated image: 34.4406dB
    • PSNR gain: 7.4842dB
  • SSIM
    • Average SSIM between Test set Quarter Dose and Test set Full Dose: 0.6988
    • Average SSIM between Test set Full Dose and U-net Generator generated image: 0.8598
    • SSIM gain: 0.1610


(PSNR, SSIM with respect to Full Dose)

  • Full Image (512X512 size)

  • Center Cropped Image (150X150 size)

  • Noise Comparison

Left image is the noise(difference between full dose and quarter dose) and the right image is the noise(difference between generated signal and quarter dose) eliminated by Cycle GAN. You can see that Cycle GAN properly eliminates noise from quarter dose signal.

Required Modules

  • torch (1.11.0)
  • torchvision (0.12.0)
  • torchmetrics
  • torchsummary
  • tqdm
  • PIL
  • numpy
  • matplotlib
  • tensorboard (optional)

Code Structure & Explanation

0. Data Download

  • Download and place data folder, containing test and train subfolder, inside the main project directory.

1. Data Preprocessing

  • No data preprocessing is used. We will use raw signal data from data as input to model.
  • The only processing used is torchvision.transforms.RandomCrop to downsize image from 512X512 to 256X256.

2. Training

  • Run train.ipynb. Model will be saved under final_result folder.
  • Run tensorboard --logdir ./runs to monitor training.

3. Inference

  • Run inference.ipynb. You can get PSNR and SSIM value for your trained model.
  • Inside inference.ipynb you can find plot_result function. It will generate image like the one in Result section. crop parameter will center crop the image to given size. save parameter will save image under the folder final_image or final_image_center if you use crop parameter.
  • plot_reult_diff generate image like the one in Noise Comparison. Parameters are same as plot_result function. It will save image under the folder final_image_diff or final_image_diff_center if you use crop parameter.

To use pretrained model, download and place the unzipped folders (Discriminator_A, GAN_FD_to_QD...) under final_result folder. And go to 3. Inference.

Main project directory must be configured as follow in order to use pretrained model.

│  .gitignore
│  inference.ipynb
│  inference_unet.ipynb
│  make_noise_target.ipynb
│  train.ipynb
│  train_unet.ipynb
│  ├─test
│  │  ├─fd
│  │  │       ...
│  │  └─qd
│  │          ...
│  │          
│  └─train
│      ├─fd
│      │      ...  
│      └─qd
│             ...
│  │  history.pkl
│  │  
│  ├─Discriminator_A
│  │
│  │      
│  ├─Discriminator_B
│  │
│  │      
│  ├─GAN_FD_to_QD
│  │
│  │      
│  └─GAN_QD_to_FD

Baseline model (de-noising U-net) Code Structure & Explanation

We used U-net as a baseline model for comparison with our cycle GAN model. We selected U-net as a baseline model since U-net is frequently used model for de-noising task.

This section is instruction for training baseline model (U-net) and for providing comparison with cycle GAN model.

1. Training

  • Run train_unet.ipynb. Model will be saved under final_result_denoising_unet folder.
  • Run tensorboard --logdir ./runs to monitor training.

2. Inference

This step includes comparison with cycle GAN model. So in order to execute this step, you must have trained cycle GAN model in your directory. (final_result folder must be in your main project folder)

  • Run inference_unet.ipynb. You can get PSNR and SSIM value for your trained model.
  • Inside inference_unet.ipynb you can find plot_result function. This is the same function introduced before.
  • plot_result_comparison function compares the de-noised result between baseline model and cycle GAN generator model. crop parameter will center crop the image to given size. save parameter will save image under the folder final_image_comparison_with_noise or final_image_center_comparison_with_noise if you use crop parameter.

To use pretrained baseline model, download and place the unzipped folder final_result_denoising_unet under main project directory. And go to 2. Inference.

Main project directory must be configured as follow in order to use pretrained baseline model.

│  .gitignore
│  inference.ipynb
│  inference_unet.ipynb
│  train.ipynb
│  train_unet.ipynb
│  ├─test
│  │  ├─fd
│  │  │       ...
│  │  └─qd
│  │          ...
│  │          
│  └─train
│      ├─fd
│      │      ...  
│      └─qd
│             ...
│  │  history.pkl
│  │  
│  ├─Discriminator_A
│  │
│  │      
│  ├─Discriminator_B
│  │
│  │      
│  ├─GAN_FD_to_QD
│  │
│  │      
│  └─GAN_QD_to_FD
│      history.pkl


Loss Function

We present Loss function used for generator and discriminator.

We follow the notation given in the original paper. Check the image below.

  • Generator Loss Function

  • Discriminator Loss Function


We tested for various U-net depth(7 layer, 8 layer, 9 layer) where layer represents one concatenation, so our final model presented above is 8 layer U-net Generator.

# of layers PSNR Gain(dB) Center Cropped image(350X350) PSNR Gain(dB) SSIM Gain Center Cropped image(350X350) SSIM Gain Noise PSNR
7 layer 6.6638 4.8668 0.1484 0.1187 19.8380
8 layer 7.4842 5.2259 0.1610 0.1236 19.9271
9 layer 7.3119 4.6682 0.1555 0.1048 19.6466

For 7 layer, 8 layer U-net generator, we used RandomCrop with 256X256 size and trained with total 80 epochs. For 9 layer U-net generator 256X256 input is unavailable so we used full size image(512X512 size) and trained for 30 epochs. As you can see our best model was achevied using 8 layer U-net.