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HTML5 Canvas Sine Wave

A sine wave or sinusoid is a mathematical curve that describes a smooth periodic oscillation. A sine wave is a continuous wave.

y(t) = Asin(2Πf + φ)


  • Amplitude(A): The amplitude of a sine wave is the maximum distance it ever reaches from zero. Since the sine function varies from +1 to -1, the amplitude is one.
  • Frequency(f): The frequency of a sine wave is the number of complete cycles that happen every second.
  • Wavelength: The wavelength is the spatial period of a periodic wave the distance over which the wave's shape repeats.

wavelength and wavenumber are related to velocity and frequency as: k = 2Π/λ = 2Πf/v = ω/v

Here Demo

Data Visualization with javascript

  1. Read the data .txt file and draw Data Table (JavaScript,HTML5)
  2. Read the data .csv file and draw Data Table (JavaScript,HTML5)
  3. Read the data XML file and draw Data Table (JavaScript,HTML5)
  4. Read JSON Data and draw Data Table (JavaScript,HTML5)
  5. Develop the simple bar chart (JavaScript,HTML5 Canvas)
  6. Read the data .txt file and draw Simple Bar Chart (JavaScript,HTML5 Canvas)
  7. Read the data .csv file and draw Column Bar Chart (JavaScript,HTML5 Canvas)
  8. Read the data XML file and draw Simple Chart (JavaScript,HTML5 Canvas)
  9. Read JSON Data and draw Simple Chart (JavaScript,HTML5 Canvas)
  10. Showing the data as a simple column chart (JavaScript,D3.js,SVG)
  11. Showing the data as a stacked column chart (JavaScript,canvas.js)
  12. Showing the Data as a column chart for four age group (JavaScript,canavs.js)
  13. Showing the data as a Single Line chart (JavaScript,canavs.js)
  14. Showing the sales data of Products as a Multi Line chart (JavaScript,canavs.js)
  15. Showing the data as a Single Pie chart (JavaScript,canavs.js)
  16. Showing the data as a Multiple Pie chart (JavaScript,canavs.js)
  17. Showing the data as a Simple Bar Chart (JavaScript,canavs.js)
  18. Showing the data as a Multiple Bar Chart (JavaScript,canavs.js)
  19. Using Google Charts API Basics draw charts like a Line chart (JavaScript,Google Chart API)
  20. Using Google Charts API Basics draw charts like a Bar chart (JavaScript,Google Chart API)
  21. Using Google Charts API Basics draw charts like a Pie chart (JavaScript,Google Chart API)
  22. Using Google Charts API Basics draw charts like a candle chart (JavaScript,Google Chart API)
  23. Using Google Charts API Basics draw charts like a donut chart (JavaScript,Google Chart API)
  24. Using Google Charts API Basics draw charts like a bubble chart (JavaScript,Google Chart API)
  25. Using Google API read JSON file and create Google Map. (JavaScript, Google Chart API)

Here Demo