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Operator allows you to run stream processing logic directly on a Kubernetes cluster


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Getting Started

Siddhi Operator allows you to run stream processing logic directly on a Kubernetes cluster. To use it, you need to be connected to a cloud environment or to a local cluster created for development purposes.


Running the Operator

  • Kubernetes v1.10.11+
  • kubectl version v1.11.3+

Building the Operator

Configure Kubernetes Cluster

Local Deployment


Refer Minikube Installation Guide to setup a local kubernetes cluster with Minikube.

Docker for Mac

Refer Docker for Mac Installation Guide setup a local kubernetes cluster with Docker for Mac.

Google Kubernetes Engine Cluster

Make sure you apply configuration settings for your GKE cluster before installing Siddhi Operator.

Enable the NGINX Ingress controller

The Siddhi Operator resource uses the NGINX Ingress Controller to expose the deployments to the external traffic.

In order to enable the NGINX Ingress controller in the desired cloud or on-premise environment, please refer the official documentation, NGINX Ingress Controller Installation Guide.

Supported Version: nginx 0.22.0+

Enable NATS Server and NATS Streaming Server

The distributed deployment of a Siddhi app uses NATS as the intermediate messaging system. The distributed deployment creates partial Siddhi apps and each partial Siddhi apps connected using NATS.

The Siddhi operator supports NATS operator v0.5.0+ and NATS streaming operator v0.2.2+.

Note that if your Kubernetes version is v1.16 or higher, then use the NATS streaming operator v0.3.0+ versions. If your Kubernetes version is less than v1.16, then you have to use NATS streaming operator v0.2.2 version. The reason for this version incompatibility is Kubernetes v1.16 was removed the apps/v1beta2 API group.

Install Siddhi Operator in Kubernetes cluster

  1. Clone Siddhi Operator Git repository.
    git clone

  2. Execute the following commands to setup the Siddhi Operator in the kubernetes cluster.

     kubectl apply -f ./deploy/siddhi_v1alpha2_siddhiprocess_crd.yaml
     kubectl apply -f ./deploy/service_account.yaml
     kubectl apply -f ./deploy/role.yaml
     kubectl apply -f ./deploy/role_binding.yaml
     kubectl apply -f ./deploy/operator.yaml

Testing a sample

  1. Execute the below command to create a sample siddhi deployment.
    kubectl apply -f ./deploy/examples/example-stateless-log-app.yaml

    Siddhi Operator would create a Siddhi-Runner deployment with the Siddhi app deployed through the example-siddhi-app CRD, a service, and an ingress to expose the http endpoint which is in the Siddhi sample.

    $ kubectl get SiddhiProcesses
    NAME              STATUS    READY     AGE
    power-surge-app   Running   1/1       2m
    $ kubectl get deployment
    NAME                READY     UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
    power-surge-app-0   1/1       1            1           2m
    siddhi-operator     1/1       1            1           2m
    $ kubectl get service
    NAME                TYPE        CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)    AGE
    kubernetes          ClusterIP       <none>        443/TCP    2d
    power-surge-app-0   ClusterIP    <none>        8080/TCP   2m
    siddhi-operator     ClusterIP    <none>        8383/TCP   2m
    $ kubectl get ingress
    NAME      HOSTS     ADDRESS     PORTS     AGE
    siddhi    siddhi   80        2m

ℹ️ Note: The Siddhi Operator automatically creates an ingress and exposes the internal HTTP/HTTPS endpoints available in the Siddhi App by default. In order to disable the automatic ingress creation, you have to change the autoIngressCreation value in the Siddhi siddhi-operator-config config map to false or null.

  1. Obtain the external IP (EXTERNAL-IP) of the Ingress resources by listing down the Kubernetes Ingresses.

    kubectl get ing

  2. Add the above host (siddhi) as an entry in /etc/hosts file.

  3. Use following CURL command to publish an event to the sample Siddhi app that's deployed.

    curl -X POST \
    http://siddhi/power-surge-app-0/8080/checkPower \
    -H 'Accept: */*' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -H 'Host: siddhi' \
    -d '{
       "deviceType": "dryer",
       "power": 60000
  4. View the logs of the Siddhi Runner pod and observe the entry being printed by the Siddhi sample app accepting event through the http endpoint.

    $ kubectl get pods
    NAME                                       READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    power-surge-app-0-646c4f9dd5-rxzkq         1/1       Running   0          4m
    siddhi-operator-6698d8f69d-6rfb6           1/1       Running   0          4m
    $ kubectl logs power-surge-app-0-646c4f9dd5-rxzkq
    [2019-07-12 07:12:48,925]  INFO {org.wso2.transport.http.netty.contractimpl.listener.ServerConnectorBootstrap$HttpServerConnector} - HTTP(S) Interface starting on host and port 9443
    [2019-07-12 07:12:48,927]  INFO {org.wso2.transport.http.netty.contractimpl.listener.ServerConnectorBootstrap$HttpServerConnector} - HTTP(S) Interface starting on host and port 9090
    [2019-07-12 07:12:48,941]  INFO {org.wso2.carbon.kernel.internal.CarbonStartupHandler} - Siddhi Runner Distribution started in 6.853 sec
    [2019-07-12 07:17:22,219]  INFO {} - LOGGER : Event{timestamp=1562915842182, data=[dryer, 60000], isExpired=false}

Please refer the Siddhi documentation for more details about the Siddhi application deployment in Kubernetes.

Build from Source

Build the Operator

Clone the operator source repository by executing the below commands.

$ mkdir $GOPATH/src/
$ cd $GOPATH/src/
$ git clone

Build the operator by executing the below command. Replace DOCKER_REGISTRY_URL with your private/public docker repository URL where you'll be hosting the Siddhi Operator image.

$ operator-sdk build <DOCKER_REGISTRY_URL>/<USER_NAME>/siddhi-operator:<TAG>

Push the operator as follow.

$ docker push <DOCKER_REGISTRY_URL>/<USER_NAME>/siddhi-operator:<TAG>

Change image name of the operator.yaml file.

$ sed -i 's|*|<DOCKER_REGISTRY_URL>/<USER_NAME>/siddhi-operator:<TAG>|g' deploy/operator.yaml

Now you can install the operator as describe in previous installation section.

Test the Operator

Unit Tests

Execute the below command to start the unit tests.

$ go test ./pkg/controller/siddhiprocess/<PACKAGE_NAME>

For example, run the unit tests for package artifact.

$ go test ./pkg/controller/siddhiprocess/artifact

E2E Tests

If you have manually made any changes to the Operator, you can verify its functionality with the E2E tests. Execute the below commands to set up the needed infrastructure for the test-cases.

  1. It is recommended to create a separate namespace to test the operator. To do that use the following command.

    $ kubectl create namespace operator-test
  2. After that, you need to install the NATS operator and NATS streaming operator in the operator-test namespace. To do that please refer this documentation.

  3. Then you have to set up the siddhi-operator in operator-test namespace using following commands.

    $ kubectl apply -f ./deploy/siddhi_v1alpha2_siddhiprocess_crd.yaml --namespace operator-test
    $ kubectl apply -f ./deploy/service_account.yaml --namespace operator-test
    $ kubectl apply -f ./deploy/role.yaml --namespace operator-test
    $ kubectl apply -f ./deploy/role_binding.yaml --namespace operator-test
    $ kubectl apply -f ./deploy/operator.yaml --namespace operator-test
  4. Finally, test the operator using following command.

    $ operator-sdk test local ./test/e2e --namespace operator-test --no-setup

For more details about operator sdk tests, refer this.