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Short version in Japanese is here.


  • Local Development
  • Deploy to production
  • Transfer logging to Google BigQuery
  • Appendix: Attach Google Cloud Load Balancer with Certificate Manager


Let's get started with some preparation.

1. Sign in to your project.

gcloud auth login
gcloud auth application-default login

2. Set your project id.

gcloud config set project <project-id>
export GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT=<project-id>

Make sure if GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT is set to your project id.


Save the value just in case when switching environment.


3. Install spanner-cli.

If you don't have 'go' yet, you need to install the latest one.

go install
export PATH=$PATH:~/go/bin

4. Clone this code to your local.

git clone

Local development


1. Prepare for local development.

If you don't have profile for local, run it.

gcloud config configurations create local-dev

Set some config values for Cloud Spanner emulator.

gcloud config set auth/disable_credentials true
gcloud config set project your-project-id
gcloud config set api_endpoint_overrides/spanner http://localhost:9020/

2. Run Cloud Spanner emulator and Redis.

docker compose up -d

3. Set environment variable for the Cloud Spanner emulator.

export SPANNER_EMULATOR_HOST=localhost:9010
export GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT=your-project-id

It will make API calls of Spanner direct to local emulator.

4. Create a Cloud Spanner instance in local emulator.

gcloud spanner instances create test-instance \
   --config=emulator-config --description="test Instance" --nodes=1

5. Create database and migrate schemas with sample data.

Make sure that you are where the repository was cloned to.

cd your-cloned-directory/

Prepare database.

gcloud spanner databases create --instance test-instance game

Additionally create schemas and initial data.

for schema in ./schemas/*.sql;
    spanner-cli -p $GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT -i test-instance -d game < $schema

6. Make sure if the emulator works on local environment.

Login to the emulator.

spanner-cli -i test-instance -p $GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT -d game

Run some command to see how it works, like,

show tables;
show create table users;
show create table users_items;
show create table items;
select * from items;

exit spanner-cli shell.

7. Test it as local app.

Run it locally.

export SPANNER_STRING=projects/$GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT/instances/test-instance/databases/game
PORT=8080 go run .

8. Test it.

Open another shell to test api.

  • Check if the api server is alive
curl http://localhost:8080/ping
  • Create a user
curl http://localhost:8080/api/user/foo -X POST

Note the id that you found in response.
The id might be like 516c3e80-5c15-11ed-8506-071d4abd8d4a.

  • Add an item to the user
USER_ID=<your user id>
curl http://localhost:8080/api/user_id/$USER_ID/$ITEM_ID -X PUT
  • Get all items that belongs to the user
curl http://localhost:8080/api/user_id/$USER_ID -X GET
  • Run test it totally
cd your-cloned-directory/
go test -v

Deploy the app to Google Cloud

If you'd like to make it automatically, jump to here.

1. Switch profile to Production project.

gcloud config configurations create egg-test
gcloud auth login --update-adc

Run this command in your shell, just in case.

gcloud config set project $PRODUCTION_PROJECT
export SPANNER_STRING=projects/$GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT/instances/test-instance/databases/game

2. Enable services you will use.

gcloud services enable \ \ \ \ \ \

3. Create a service account for Cloud Run service.

gcloud iam service-accounts create game-api

Add iam policy to access Cloud Spanner instances in your project.

export SA=game-api@$
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT --member=serviceAccount:$SA --role=roles/spanner.databaseUser
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT --member=serviceAccount:$SA --role=roles/vpcaccess.user

4. Create a VPC for Redis.

gcloud compute networks create my-network --subnet-mode=custom
gcloud compute networks subnets create --network=my-network --region=asia-northeast1 --range= tokyo

5. Prepare a Redis host as Memotystore for Redis.

gcloud redis instances create test-redis --zone=asia-northeast1-b --network=my-network --region=asia-northeast1

6. Create a spanner instance for production.

gcloud spanner instances create --nodes=1 test-instance --description="for production" --config=regional-asia-northeast1

7. Create database, schema etc.

Run some command as below,

7-1. Prepare database.

gcloud spanner databases create --instance test-instance game

7-2. Additionally create schemas and initial data.

for schema in ./schemas/*.sql;
    spanner-cli -p $GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT -i test-instance -d game < $schema

7-3. You can use spanner-cli to confirm schema and data in the Cloud Spanner instance.

spanner-cli -i test-instance -p $GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT -d game

8. Configure a Serverless Access Connector.

gcloud compute networks vpc-access connectors create game-api-vpc-access --network my-network --region asia-northeast1 --range

9. Deploy a Cloud Run service.

Before the deploy, set some shell variables.

REDIS_HOST=$(gcloud redis instances describe test-redis --region=asia-northeast1 --format=json | jq .host -r)
  • Option1: With buildpacks
gcloud run deploy game-api --allow-unauthenticated --region=asia-northeast1 --set-env-vars=GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT=$GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT,SPANNER_STRING=$SPANNER_STRING,REDIS_HOST=$REDIS_HOST:6379 --vpc-connector=$VA --service-account=$SA --cpu-throttling --source=.
  • Option2: With Dockerfile as the general way
    Create a repo on Artifact Registory and grant push on local env.
gcloud artifacts repositories create my-app --repository-format=docker --location=asia-northeast1
gcloud auth configure-docker

Build a container.$GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT/my-app/game-api
docker build -t game-api -f Dockerfile.option2 .
docker tag game-api $IMAGE
docker push $IMAGE

Deploy it to Cloud Run service.

gcloud run deploy game-api --allow-unauthenticated --region=asia-northeast1 \
--vpc-connector=$VA --service-account=$SA \
--image $IMAGE

10. Congratulation!!

Just test it, like on local.
Of course you need to specify the actual url instead of "http://localhost:8080".
The url the Cloud Run service was assigned to would be like this "".

Transfer logging to Google BigQuery

1. Create dataset as the destination of log.

bq mk --location asia-northeast1 dataset1

2. Create a Log Sink for BigQuery.

gcloud logging sinks create game-api-sink \$GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT/datasets/dataset1 \
--description="for Cloud Run service 'game-api'" \
--log-filter='resource.type="cloud_run_revision" AND resource.labels.configuration_name="game-api" AND jsonPayload.message!=""'

3. Grant permission for BigQuery dataEditor to the service account.

LOGSA=$(gcloud logging sinks describe game-api-sink --format=json | jq .writerIdentity -r)

gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT --member=$LOGSA --role=roles/bigquery.dataEditor

That's all, you can access the api and you will see all logs in BigQuery tables.
Maybe you need to wait for a few minutes at the first time until Log Sink started.

Appendix: Attach Google Cloud Load Balancer with Certificate Manager

Note: requirement to pass the step.

Need to prepare a domain zone that you have authorization of because it's going to use your custom domain.

1. Reserve your external IP address.

gcloud compute addresses create game-api-ip \
    --network-tier=PREMIUM \
    --ip-version=IPV4 \

2. Create a Serverless NEG.

gcloud compute network-endpoint-groups create game-api \
    --region=asia-northeast1 \
    --network-endpoint-type=serverless  \

3. Create a Backend service.

gcloud compute backend-services create backend-for-game-api \
    --load-balancing-scheme=EXTERNAL \

And register the Serverless NEG to it.

gcloud compute backend-services add-backend backend-for-game-api \
    --global \
    --network-endpoint-group=game-api \

4. Create a Urlmap.

gcloud compute url-maps create urlmap-for-game-api \
   --default-service backend-for-game-api

5. Create a Google managed SSL Certificate.

FQDN=<your FQDN you want to use>
gcloud compute ssl-certificates create ssl-cert-for-game-api \
   --domains $FQDN

6. Create a Target Proxy.

gcloud compute target-https-proxies create target-proxy-for-game-api \
   --ssl-certificates=ssl-cert-for-game-api \

7. Configure a forwarding rule to game-api.

gcloud compute forwarding-rules create forwarding-to-game-api \
    --load-balancing-scheme=EXTERNAL \
    --network-tier=PREMIUM \
    --address=game-api-ip \
    --target-https-proxy=target-proxy-for-game-api \
    --global \

8. Update DNS record.

Find the IP address your Load Balancer uses.

gcloud compute addresses describe game-api-ip --global --format=json | jq .address -r

You need to register this IP address corresponding to your FQDN record to your DNS zone.
It depends on the way to manage your DNS.

If you use Cloud DNS, you can create your managed zone and a record corresponding to this IP address. like this,

gcloud dns managed-zones create <your-zone-name> --dns-name=<your-domain-name> --description="My Domain"
gcloud dns record-sets create --type=A --zone=<your-zone-name> --rrdatas=<IP address> $FQDN

Make sure that you register the NS records corresponding to your domain to authoritative DNS. You will get the NS records by this command,

gcloud dns managed-zones describe <your-zone-name> --format=json | jq -r .nameServers[]

It also take a while to become to active the certification.
You might see 4xx/5xx response or SSL error until that.

Just do it all using terraform and more

1. Make sure you have the latest terraform, and initilize it before using it

See here.

cd terraform/
terraform init

2. Prepare environment variables

export TF_VAR_project=<your Google Cloud project, eg: my-project-xxxxxx>
export TF_VAR_domain=<your FQDN you want to use>
export TF_VAR_gcs=<GCS bucket name, eg: my-bucket-xxxxxx>
export TF_VAR_region=asia-northeast1
export TF_VAR_zone=asia-northeast1-a

3. Run it

Make sure you are in top of repo directory, which has the Makefile,

  • Clean up previous state files and something, just in case
make clean
  • Build and deploy all infrastrucures and apps
make all