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1) Python

from math import factorial as f
f(70) - f(50)

2) Haskell

let f n = product [1..n]
(f 70) - (f 50)

3) Julia

factorial(big(70)) - factorial(big(50))

4) Perl

use feature 'say';
use Math::BigInt;
use Math::BigInt lib => 'GMP';
say Math::BigInt->new('70')->bfac() - Math::BigInt->new('50')->bfac();

5) Golang

package main

import (

func main() {
    var a big.Int
    var b big.Int
    var r big.Int
    a.MulRange(1, 70)
    b.MulRange(1, 50)
    r.Sub(&a, &b)

6) R

install.packages("gmp", dependencies = TRUE)
gmp::factorialZ(70) - gmp::factorialZ(50)

7) C++

#include <iostream>
#include <mp++/mp++.hpp>

using int_t = mppp::integer<1>;

int main()
    auto one = int_t{1};
    auto a = mppp::fac_ui(one, 70);
    auto b = mppp::fac_ui(one, 50);
    std::cout << a - b << '\n';

8) Scala

object Main extends App {
  def f(n: Int) = (BigInt(1) to BigInt(n)).product
  println(f(70) - f(50))

9) C#

public static viod Main(string[] args) {
    Func<int, BigInteger> f = n => n < 2 ? BigInteger.One
              : Enumerable.Range(2, n-1)
                .Aggregate(BigInteger.One, (acc, num) => acc * num);
    Console.WriteLine(f(70) - f(50));

10) Prolog

n_factorial(0, 1).
n_factorial(N, F) :-
   N #> 0,
   N1 #= N - 1,
   n_factorial(N1, F1),
   F #= N * F1.

n_diff(C) :-
   n_factorial(70, A),
   n_factorial(50, B),
   C #= A - B.

11) Rust

use num::BigUint;
use num::One;

pub fn f(n: u64) -> BigUint {
  (1..=n).fold(BigUint::one(), |acc, num| acc * num)

fn main() {
  println!("f(70) - f(50) = {}", f(70) - f(50));

12) Nim

import bigints

func f(n: int): BigInt =
  result = 1.init_big_int
  for i in 2..n:
    result = result * int32(i)

echo f(70) - f(50)

13) Clojure

(defn f [n] (reduce *' (range 1 (inc n))))
(- (f 70) (f 50))

14) Kotlin

import java.math.BigInteger
fun Int.toBig() = BigInteger(this.toString())
fun f(n: BigInteger): BigInteger {
    if (n == BigInteger.ONE) return BigInteger.ONE
    return n.multiply(f(n.minus(BigInteger.ONE)))
fun main() = println("f(70) - f(50) = ${f(70.toBig()) - f(50.toBig())}")

15) JavaScript

function f(n) {
    if (n == 1n) return 1n
    return n * f(n - 1n)
f(70n) - f(50n)

16) Elixir

f = fn
  0 -> 1
  n -> Enum.reduce(1..n, 1, &*/2)
f.(70) - f.(50)

17) Coconut

def f(0) = 1
def f(n is int if n > 0) = range(1, n+1) |> reduce $ (*)
f(70) - f(50)

18) Crystal

require "big"
def f(n)
print f("70") - f("50")

19) Guile

(define (f n) (if (zero? n) 1 (* n (f  (- n 1)))))
(- (f 70) (f 50))

20) Swift

$ git clone
$ cd BigInt
$ swift run --repl
1> import BigInt
2> func f(_ n: Int) -> BigInt { (1 ... n).map { BigInt($0) }.reduce(BigInt(1), *) } 
3> print(f(70) - f(50))

21) Racket

(require math/number-theory)
(- (factorial 70) (factorial 50))

22) Mathicscript

In[1]:= 70! - 50!

23) Macaulay2

i1 : << 70! - 50!;


f(70) - f(50)






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