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Leaderboards API and Service

This is a repository for the Leaderboards API for my personal projects (games). The source code is provided AS IS, so use it for your own good (or bad, hehe).

The primary usage are Unity games. You can use it for your own projects. To do that, you should use API project and build you own client library. The base class is LeaderboardsClientBase, there are some methods you should
implement manually (because HttpClient is not portable is Unity).

In the configuration file, you have to configure two options:

  • Auth section for the authorization
  • ConnectionStrings.Default should contain a valid PostgreSQL connection string

To run locally, copy appsettings.json to appsettings.Development.json.

To run tests, crate environment variable named TEST_DB_CONNECTION_STRING with appropriate connection string value (the Auth section is configured for tests automatically for you).

PR's are welcome.

Licensed under MIT.