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Virtual Environments for System Packages with nix-shell

  • nix-shell is a package manager that lets you:

    • Use a package without installing it globally.

    • Create isolated, reproducible virtual environments with any packages you require without causing bunch of version conflicts - think python venv but for system packages (but it's so much more).

    Python virtual environments inside nix-shells

  • This blog by Mattia Gheda has a good introduction. to nix-shell.

  • I have switched to using nix-shell for all my development needs. This repository contains nix files I use quite frequently when working with Python and CUDA, as well as other development languages and tools.

Installing nix-shell

  • nix-shell can be installed on both linux and macOS using the following command (follow on screen instructions):

    sh <(curl -L --daemon

Example Usage

  • Assuming you have nix-shell installed, you can create environments with python and CUDA by invoking nix-shell with the appropriate .nix file.

  • There are several in the repo with different combinations of python and CUDA versions.

  • For example, for python 3.8 with CUDA 11.3 and cuDNN use py38cuda113.nix like so:

    # The location of this repository.
    # Python 3.8 with CUDA 11.3 and CuDNN.
    # After this command completes, you will be prompted with a new shell
    # with python v3.8.x and CUDA installed. When used the for the first time,
    # it will download python and CUDA files from the Nix package manager to your
    # local nixstore. Subsequent invocations will use downloaded files.
    # CUDA and cuDNN is a big download (~4 GB), so the first invocation will take
    # a while depending on your internet speed.
    nix-shell ${REPO}/py38cuda113.nix
  • This environment comes with python 3.8, virtualenvwrapper and CUDA 11.3 installed. You can now create a python virtual environment the usual way of using virtualenvwrapper by running:

    # Will create a virutal environment called `tf28` under ~/.nixshells/py38-cuda113
    # and enable it. Different .nix files will have a different directory for storing
    # python virtual environments.
    mkvirutalenv tf28
  • Install any packages you want in the python environment (which is now active inside the nix-shell):

    # Installing tensorflow.
    pip install tensorflow==2.8.0
    # Check if CUDA is available.
    python -c 'import tensorflow as tf; print(tf.test.is_gpu_available())'
  • To deactivate the virtualenv and nix shell, press Ctrl + D. Your python environments will be preserved and be accessible you re-activate the nix shell again.

Updating Packages

  • To use different python or CUDA versions, you can pretty much duplicate one of the py.*cuda.*.nix files and update the build parameters.

  • The nix files are relatively straight forward, and you can add / remove packages you want by updating the buildInputs argument in the common.nix file. The package list here is shared with all other .nix files in the repository.

  • To search through the the 80,000+ available packages, check

  • Of course you can create your own nix files too :D

    • This blog by Mattia Gheda has a good introduction.

    • The official wiki can be a bit intimidating for newbies but is an excellent resource nonetheless.

    • More about Nix and NixOS here.


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