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TicTacTo and Four-in-a-row in Rust WASM with web-worker


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Board Games in Wasm with web-worker

For self-educational purposes and for fun, I implemented the games TicTacToe and Four-in-a-row. In the initial version, both frontend and backend were implemented in Rust compiled to WebAssembly. In the latest refactor, I only implemented the backend in Rust and the frontend interaction in JS since Wasm frontend code is very tedious and somewhat ugly to write.

TicTacToe Four-in-a-row

Build & Run

To build the project, you need to install Rust with cargo and wasm-pack. After cloning the repository, you can build the project with the provided script:


The easiest way to run it is to launch a basic web server serving the www subdirectory, e.g. in python:

cd www
python3 -m http.server --bind

Game Engine

Both games share the same backend engine: We build a tree of possible moves down to a certain depth. Now the player can either do a move, which will be tracked in the evaluator or we can request the next best move from the evaluator. The best move is calculated in a traditional manner using the minimax algorithm.

Key Features

  • The board is visualized as flexbox array of HTML <div> elements. While the initial version used an HTML canvas drawn with Wasm, using HTML elements has the advantage that we can use all the rendering-power built-in to browsers for colors, transitions, mouse-over animations etc.
  • Frontend interaction and callback functions are written in JS code. The intial version had them written in ugly verbose Rust code using web-sys.
  • To separate the frontend from the backend, the evaluator doing the heavy lifting is running in a separate web-worker process. For more examples of spawning and interacting with web workers from Wasm, be sure to also check out Wasm Worker Interaction.
  • The game interface automatically evaluates if one of the players has won.
  • Output on the JS console informs about what is going on in the backend.

Technologies / Frameworks

  • wasm-pack to compile Rust to WebAssembly
  • wasm-bindgen for interaction between Wasm modules and JavaScript
  • web-sys to make Web APIs available in Rust

Idiosyncracies / particularities in Wasm + Rust

One of the motivations for developing this project was to apply what I learned in the Rust book to a real-life project. It helped me to apply many learnings (danger of reference cycles in the interior mutability pattern, match patterns for exhaustive control flow, if let for concise control flow, Result<> for error handling, traits for shared behavior, custom iterators for traversing the tree etc.) However in some places, Wasm limits the freedom of the developer a little and below are a few examples and how I approached them.

  • Due to its semantic concepts and internal representation, Vec<T> cannot be the return type of a function which has Wasm bind generation activated. The best way to work around this (according to the Wasm book) is to expose a function with a raw pointer (*const T) and initialize a matching array on the JS side (in my case UInt8Array). This way, JS and Wasm access the same memory and do not have to copy data between each other.
  • Another common return type not available to code with bind generation is Result<T, E> - the only variant possible is Result<T, JsValue>.
  • Speaking on bind code generation, this is done by adding the #[wasm_bindgen] procedural macro to struct and impl blocks. In some cases, we want a few functions that are never called from JS to return types which cannot be used in JS. To achieve this, we can separate our functions into those for shared usage with JS and those that are only called from within Wasm. Thus one impl block gets the procedural macro and the other does not.
  • Non-trivial data structures imported from Wasm have to be initialized in Wasm memory using constructor functions. So works and subfields can then be accessed by JS code. However new MyWasmStruct(...) will create an objects that raises null-pointer exceptions when inspecting its fields.
  • At the moment, there is no support for generics under #[wasm_bindgen]. In my case, a natural candidate for generics would have been the GameInterface. To avoid code duplication nonetheless, I created a declarative macro (macro_rules!) to use the same slightly customized impl block for the GameInterface types specific to Tic-Tac-To and Four-in-a-row.

Change history

This is a very rough overview of what changed in the project and some ideas on what I might do next.

  • In the initial version, the frontend was written in Rust compiled to Wasm. In the refactored version, I moved the frontend interaction code to JS because it yields itself more naturally to it.
  • The initial version used a Node type with the interior mutability pattern for the tree structure. On the first intent, I implemented it poorly creating reference cycles. While I could have just removed the reference cycles, I went for an index-based tree structure instead. Some rough benchmarks indicated that at least on my hardware, it is more performant (possible because children are next to each other in arrays and thus cache misses are less common).
  • In the initial version, I already implemented part of the logic but did not finalize the concept of stopping the expansion whenever the user interaction needs the tree to be evaluated. In this version, I expand the tree level by level. Each expansion schedules the expansion for the next level (until the maximum depth) with a delay of 1ms. This way, messages which have arrived during the last expansion from the main thread are processed before in the async loop, making it possible to evaluate the tree before the expansion is completed to maximum depth.
  • The GameState was bloated in the initial version and carried both absolutely necessary information as well as helper variables for the iteration etc. In the refactored version, I removed many fields that I could work around (e.g. deriving if a state is final by comparing the value to a fixed win value, using the same field for the averaged value as well as the fixed win value for final states etc.). By separating the values from the stored boards, the data representation should also be more cache-friendly, as the most expensive paths (expanding the tree and averaging the values) both iterate over separate arrays with minimal information.
  • Not needing the precision of f32, I refactored the GameState to use i32 instead.

Possible next steps

If I get around to it, here are possible next steps that I want to look at:

  • Spawning a whole pool of workers for faster calculation
  • Abstracting the concept/engine to chess (my initial goal)

This being a self-educational side project, I did not add tests and documentation everywhere but only where I need it myself.

~ Simon B. Gasse