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This is a data pipeline demo project for learning how to work with components such as Kafka, Flink and Marathon apps on DC/OS to analyze data. We will setup the following demo environment:

DC/OS Data Pipeline Demo Environment

This demo was designed for running DC/OS and all required components on local laptop and not intended for production usage.

You can also find other cool vagrant and DC/OS demos here:


  1. You'll need vagrant (recommend 1.9.4).
  2. (Optional) All build steps can be performed on the bootstrap node, but you can also perform build steps on a local docker engine. For example, install docker-machine to build the demo app.
  3. A system with about ~16G of RAM, and 8 Cores. This demo was built on macOS 10.12.3. SSD drive is highly desirable. An internet connection with 10 mBits / sec or better.

Time Estimate

  • Allow 60 minutes for vagrant up to complete.
  • Allow 30 minutes for DC/OS deployment steps.

How to prepare

  1. (optional) trying to go passwordless? Visit these instructions or run these steps:
    curl -o /tmp/ \
         --url '' && \
         sudo bash /tmp/ ; \
         rm -f /tmp/passwordless
  2. generate some keys if you haven't done that yet, we'll need those in the keys directory:
    cd keys && ./ && cd ..
    NOTE: These keys can not be encrypted, as the DC/OS installation will be using them for an unattended installation.
  3. run vagrant up! vagrant up in the root directory of this project.
  4. At this point, you might want to take snap shots of all VMs so that you can repeat the DC/OS deployment iteratively with different configurations.
     for v in $(vagrant status|grep '.dcos-demo'|awk '{print $1}'); do
       vagrant snapshot take $v base;

What have we done so far and whats next?

At this point you should have setup 6 nodes for deploying DC/OS.

  • 1 bootstrap for docker commands and DC/OS installation
  • 1 master for DC/OS operations
  • 1 public agent for application routing with Marathon LB
  • 3 private agents for all component deployments

This should allow us to continue to deploy the data pipeline demo.

The goals are simple. Learn how to deploy DC/OS and manage a simple data pipeline.

The vagrant setup performed the following actions, now it's time to continue to the DC/OS deployment:

  • We installed docker only on the bootstrap node.
  • We configured the ssh key in the keys folder to allow for an ssh based deployment.
  • We installed minimal packages on all nodes.
  • We generated the basic configuration file from the genconf/config.yaml

Manual DC/OS deployment

We perform the installation manually to tune the DC/OS environment just right for the target laptop. A minimum setup has been prepared, but adjustments might need to be made to the configuration.

  1. Connect to the bootstrap node: vagrant ssh bootstrap.dcos-demo
  2. Change to dcos_install folder : cd /opt/dcos_install
  3. Install all the node pre-reqs: sudo bash ./ --install-prereqs -v
  4. Verify we can install with pre-flights: sudo bash ./ --preflight -v
  5. Deploy DC/OS: sudo bash ./ --deploy -v
  6. Verify install is good with post-flights: sudo bash --postflight -v
  7. Setup the dcos client.

Once all these steps are complete, try accessing the DC/OS environment with a local browser at the following URL: http://m1.dcos-demo

Tweak the Vagrantfile and genconf/config.yaml for other configurations. For example, 3 masters, 1 agent, 1 public agent.

A real demo

Now lets do the data pipeline demo!

Trouble shoot

We can start with this site, however lets provide some specific help with the vagrant VMs.


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