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Elastic Meetup - Kafka Demo

This is the demo environment for Elastic-Turkey meetup.


  • Installs MySQL, Kafka (Confluent Open Source), and Elastic Stack
  • Creates a sample database table with data
  • Includes a sample Kafka connect json file for reading data from MySQL
  • Use Logstash as a Kafka consumer to ingest data into Elasticsearch

Vagrant and Ansible

Do a simple vagrant up by using Vagrant's Ansible provisioner. All you need is a working Vagrant installation (1.8.6+ but the latest version is always recommended), a provider (tested with the latest VirtualBox version), and 2.5GB of RAM.

With the Ansible playbooks in the /kafka-elastic/ folder you can configure the whole system step by step. Just run them in the given order inside the Vagrant box:

> vagrant ssh
$ ansible-playbook /kafka-elastic/1_configure-elasticsearch.yml
$ ansible-playbook /kafka-elastic/2_configure-kibana.yml
$ ansible-playbook /kafka-elastic/3_configure-logstash.yml
$ ansible-playbook /kafka-elastic/4_configure-mysql.yml

Or if you are in a hurry, run all playbooks with $ /kafka-elastic/ at once.

Kafka - Stream data out of MySQL

Once all the tools are setup we can stream data out of MySQL. In order to read data from MySQL, we need to configure Kafka as producer and load it from a JSON configuration file.

To load the configuration via JSON converter, use the following command:

confluent load jdbc_source_mysql_demo -d /kafka-elastic/templates/kafka-connect-jdbc-source.json

/kafka-elastic/templates/kafka-connect-jdbc-source.json file has all the details and necessary configurations to read from the newly created MySQL table (namely demo.foobar)

You can check the status of loaded configuration by running the following command:

confluent status jdbc_source_mysql_demo

In order to access Kafka topic as a consumer and test our input, run the following command:

kafka-console-consumer \
--bootstrap-server localhost:9092 \
--property print.key=true \
--from-beginning \
--topic mysql-foobar

Adding rows to MySQL

You can do one of the following:

$ ansible-playbook /kafka-elastic/update-mysql.yml

This simply runs the sql commands in /kafka-elastic/templates/demo_update.sql

You can always use your favorite mysql client to connect and add rows for testing purposes.


Access Kibana at http://localhost:5601


Inspired by Confluent blog:

However, this blog doest not cover Logstash and it's applicable to Elasticsearch 5.x version only (Elasticsearch 6.x is not supported as per: