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Optical Toolbox (OptTbx)

A toolbox for optical sensors like the MSI and OLCI and SLSTR instruments on board of ESA's Sentinel-2 and 3 satellites.

The project page of SNAP, and the toolbox can be found at There you can find tutorials, developer guides, a user forum and other interesting things.

Building the OptTbx from the source

The following gives a brief introduction how to build the optical Toolbox. More information can be found in the Developer Guide.

Download and install the required build tools

  • Install Java 11 JDK and set JAVA_HOME accordingly. A distribution of OpenJDK is suggested. Several distributions are available, for example
  • Install Maven and set MAVEN_HOME accordingly.
  • Install git

Add $JAVA_HOME/bin, $MAVEN_HOME/bin to your PATH.

Clone the Optical Toolbox source code and related repositories into a directory referred to ${snap} from here on

cd ${snap}
git clone

Build Optical Toolbox:

cd ${snap}/optical-toolbox
mvn install

Optionally checkout the code for snap-engine and snap-desktop

cd ${snap}
git clone
git clone

Build SNAP-Engine:

cd ${snap}/snap-engine
mvn install

Build SNAP-Desktop:

cd ${snap}/snap-desktop
mvn install

If unit tests are failing for one of the projects (which should not happen), you can use the following to skip the tests

mvn clean
mvn install -Dmaven.test.skip=true

Setting up IntelliJ IDEA

  1. Create an empty project with the ${snap} directory as project directory

  2. Import the pom.xml files of snap-engine, snap-desktop and optical-toolbox as modules. Ensure not to enable the option Create module groups for multi-module Maven projects. Everything can be default values.

  3. Set the used JDK for the main project.

  4. Use the following configuration to run SNAP in the IDE:

    Main class: org.esa.snap.nbexec.Launcher VM parameters: -Dsun.awt.nopixfmt=true -Dsun.java2d.noddraw=true -Dsun.java2d.dpiaware=false All VM parameters are optional Program arguments: --userdir "${snap}/optical-toolbox/target/userdir" --clusters "${snap}/optical-toolbox/opttbx-kit/target/netbeans_clusters/optical" --patches "${snap}/snap-engine/$/target/classes;${snap}/optical-toolbox/$/target/classes" Working directory: ${snap}/snap-desktop/snap-application/target/snap/ Use classpath of module: snap-main

Enjoy developing!