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Sync with Pro (TEST) #2332

Sync with Pro (TEST)

Sync with Pro (TEST) #2332

Workflow file for this run

# Context:
# Initially, the commit message for a merged github PR uses the
# "squash and merge" setting, but oftentimes people write short and
# uninformational commit messages, such as "more work", etc.
# We switched to another github setting that uses the PR title and
# description for the commit message of a merged PR.
# At the same time, we would like to have a PR checklist to help
# developers write better PRs.
# This checklist could be automatically added to all PR descriptions
# with .github/, but this adds noise to
# every commit message and requires manual work to remove before
# merging.
# We decided to create a workflow to add the checklist as a comment
# on the PR instead, so developers will have a checklist, and
# the PR descriptions won't be cluttered.
name: PR-checklist
types: [opened, edited]
# This permission is needed to comment on a PR. Some GitHub bots
# such as dependabot only have read permission by default.
# See:
# Without this permission, this workflow will fail in those cases.
pull-requests: write
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: marocchino/sticky-pull-request-comment@v2
header: pr-checklist
only_create: true
message: |
PR checklist:
- [ ] Purpose of the code is [evident to future readers](
- [ ] Tests included or PR comment includes a reproducible test plan
- [ ] Documentation is up-to-date
- [ ] A changelog entry was [added to changelog.d]( for any user-facing change
- [ ] Change has no security implications (otherwise, ping security team)
If you're unsure about any of this, please see:
- [Contribution guidelines](!
- [One of the more specific guides located here](