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Simulate crystallographic preferred orientation evolution in polycrystals

This repository contains a Python 3 reimplementation of the D-Rex model for the evolution of crystallographic preferred orientation in polycrystals. The code is available for use under the GNU GPL v3 license. Documentation is accessible via Python's REPL help() and also online.


Check requires-python in pyproject.toml for the minimum required Python version. The software is tested on Linux, MacOS and Windows.

The package is currently not available on PyPi, so installation requires git. Install the package with Python's pip:

pip install git+

Alternatively, clone the source code. and execute pip install "$PWD" in the top-level folder. To install additional dependencies required only for the test suite, use pip install "$PWD[test]".

For a complete development install, including documentation generator dependencies, use pip install -e "$PWD[dev]".

The package metadata and full list of dependencies are specified in pyproject.toml.

Optional mesh generation using gmsh is available, however the gmsh module requires the glu library (that may not be installed by default on all systems).


Some tests can optionally output figures or extended diagnostics when run locally. Check the test suite README for details.


The documentation can be built offline using pdoc, with the command:

pdoc -t docs/template -o html --math pydrex tests

which will output the html documentation into a folder called html. The homepage will be html/index.html. See also the provided GitHub actions workflow.