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Antonio Yang edited this page Oct 14, 2021 · 3 revisions

Deploy to blockchain network

Deploying on or interacting with a contract already on block chain network needs the currency of that blockchain. If you do not want additional coast on developing, you can use cargo test and please refer Develop Guide

Once you really want to try to do things on the blockchain network, here is some advice for you to get the currency.

Preparing a key set

A key set also means the wallet, you need have wallet to store the currency, the target of Sewup is ethereum based blockchain, so you need to generate the ethereum key set.

Here is a project, you can check out wagyu After generate the ethereum keys. You will got something like these.

Private Key 8e527f832dbb6cac7ce197014377b393842d63f60bf6f0180c8753f7c9335be3 Public Key a1c76375dbbd73c81a5a568e3f64703fdcecc1be1970df8ed84eb64a6bce7d5f35731978d53e181250714efa10c77353e8f993ec0bd0461f0e5289d60280d12a Address 0x1d8f3E1B880B36124Ee74f24F69d99Ed8c967B24

Get currency

There are several common way to get currency, and listed below.

  1. Run a node of the blockchain, and participate on it. Once the block is produce by yours, you will got the rewards in the currency of the blockchain network. When starting or setting up the node, you need provide the keys and/or Address to launch the node, such that the reward will correct send to you.

  2. If it is a testnet, there may be a faucet, you can get a little bit currency free, all you have to do is to provide the address. For example the faucet of Parastate is here.

  3. Buy from someone or the Exchange If aforementioned ways are too technical or wasting time, buy the currency from someone or the exchange may be a good way.

Compare with other framework

Compare with Solana

Item SewUp (v0.1.3) Solana (v1.7.14)
Chain Non-specific (need ewasm support) Solana chain
Comput Single thread GPU

Initialize cargo sewup init -m <MODE> cargo init
add /Xargo.toml
add target
Build cargo sewup --build-only cargo build-bpf
Deploy add sewup.toml
cargo sewup
solana program deploy <PATH>

Signature 4 bytes 64 bytes
Address 20 bytes 32 bytes

IO binary format Serialize trait with bincode Not limited (need implement trait Pack)