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FeedMe API

RSS feed reader API allowing users to curate a truly personalized newsfeed.

Users authenticate via GitHub and can subscribe to RSS feeds. If a feed doesn't exist in the database (i.e. no other user has subscribed to the feed before) a new feed record will be stored.

Aditionally, available feed items will be stored. There is a job scheduled every two hours which will fetch and store new feed items.


Endpoint Verb Description
/feed GET Get the user's feed.
/item/:id GET Get a feed item by ID.
/item PUT Upsert item statuses.
/subscription GET Get the user's feed subscriptions.
/subscription POST Subscribe to a feed.
/subscription DELETE Unsubscribe from a feed.
/auth/logout GET Logout the user.
/auth/github GET Request GitHub auth.
/auth/github/callback GET Login to the application via GitHub auth.
/vapid-public-key GET Get the VAPID public key used for notifications.
/notification POST Store a new notifiction subscription.
/notification PUT Toggle notification preference for a user.


You can run mix docs to generate the documentation for this project.

FeedMe frontend repository

Getting started

Docker compose

Make sure docker is running on your machine.

Start the API

$ docker-compose pull && docker-compose build && docker-compose up

API is now running on http://localhost:4000

Remove database data

$ docker-compose down --volumes

Local runtime dependencies

Make sure to have Elixir, Erlang and Postgres installed on your machine. This application was developed with:

  • Elixir v1.14.4
  • Erlang v25.3.2
  • Postgres v13 (needs to be v9.5 or higher)

Get the dependencies

$ mix deps.get

Set up the database

$ mix ecto.create
$ mix ecto.migrate

Define the environment variables

$ cp .env.sample .env

Start the Phoenix server

$ mix phx.server

Continuous Integration

This project uses Github actions for continuous integration. Source code must be verified, built and successfully tested before it can be merged.

Credo is used for static code analysis. Mix formatting capabilites are used for code formatting.


This project uses for deployment. As of now, the API is manually deployed via the Fly CLI.

$ fly deploy --remote-only
