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v1.3.0 - 2023-08-14

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@amontanez24 amontanez24 released this 14 Aug 17:52

This release adds two new methods to the MultiTableMetadata: detect_from_csvs and detect_From_dataframes. These methods allow you to detect metadata for a whole dataset at once by either loading them from a folder or a dictionary mapping table names to the pandas.DataFrames. The SingleTableMetadata can now be visualized! Additionally, there is now a summarized option in the show_table_details parameter of the visualize methods. This will print each sdtype in the table and the number of columns that have that sdtype.

Additionally, this release patches a bug that prevented custom constraints from working on columns that were primary or alternate keys. It also adds support for Python 3.11!

New Features

  • Align default transformers between SDV and RDT - Issue #1484 by @R-Palazzo
  • Add visualize method to SingleTableMetadata - Issue #1517 by @pvk-developer
  • Add detect_from_csvs and detect_from_dataframes methods to MultiTableMetadata - Issue #1520 by @R-Palazzo
  • Allow empty tables to be fitted using fit_processed_data - Issue #1524 by @fealho
  • Summarized metadata visualization - Issue #1525 by @pvk-developer

Bugs Fixed

  • Cannot use custom constraint transforms for certain columns (inconsistent ordering in forward vs. reverse) - Issue #1476 by @fealho
  • Cannot create custom constraint with primary key - Issue #1514 by @amontanez24
