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v0.16.0 - 2022-07-21

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@amontanez24 amontanez24 released this 22 Jul 03:02

This release brings user friendly improvements and bug fixes on the SDV constraints, to help
users generate their synthetic data easily.

Some predefined constraints have been renamed and redefined to be more user friendly & consistent.
The custom constraint API has also been updated for usability. The SDV now automatically determines
the best handling_strategy to use for each constraint, attempting transform by default and
falling back to reject_sampling otherwise. The handling_strategy parameters are no longer
included in the API.

Finally, this version of SDV also unifies the parameters for all sampling related methods for
all models (including TabularPreset).

Changes to Constraints

  • GreatherThan constraint is now separated in two new constraints: Inequality, which is
    intended to be used between two columns, and ScalarInequality, which is intended to be used
    between a column and a scalar.

  • Between constraint is now separated in two new constraints: Range, which is intended to
    be used between three columns, and ScalarRange, which is intended to be used between a column
    and low and high scalar values.

  • FixedIncrements a new constraint that makes the data increment by a certain value.

  • New create_custom_constraint function available to create custom constraints.

Removed Constraints

  • Rounding Rounding is automatically being handled by the rdt.HyperTransformer.
  • ColumnFormula the create_custom_constraint takes place over this one and allows more
    advanced usage for the end users.

New Features

  • Improve error message for invalid constraints - Issue #801 by @fealho
  • Numerical Instability in Constrained GaussianCopula - Issue #806 by @fealho
  • Unify sampling params for reject sampling - Issue #809 by @amontanez24
  • Split GreaterThan constraint into Inequality and ScalarInequality - Issue #814 by @fealho
  • Split Between constraint into Range and ScalarRange - Issue #815 @pvk-developer
  • Change columns to column_names in OneHotEncoding and Unique constraints - Issue #816 by @amontanez24
  • Update columns parameter in Positive and Negative constraint - Issue #817 by @fealho
  • Create FixedIncrements constraint - Issue #818 by @amontanez24
  • Improve datetime handling in ScalarInequality and ScalarRange constraints - Issue #819 by @pvk-developer
  • Support strict boundaries even when transform strategy is used - Issue #820 by @fealho
  • Add create_custom_constraint factory method - Issue #836 by @fealho

Internal Improvements

Bugs Fixed

  • Numerical Instability in Constrained GaussianCopula - Issue #801 by @tlranda and @fealho
  • Fix error message for FixedIncrements - Issue #865 by @pvk-developer
  • Fix constraints with conditional sampling - Issue #866 by @amontanez24
  • Fix error message in ScalarInequality - Issue #868 by @pvk-developer
  • Cannot use max_tries_per_batch on sample: TypeError: sample() got an unexpected keyword argument 'max_tries_per_batch' - Issue #885 by @amontanez24
  • Conditional sampling + batch size: ValueError: Length of values (1) does not match length of index (5) - Issue #886 by @amontanez24
  • TabularPreset doesn't support new sampling parameters - Issue #887 by @fealho
  • Conditional Sampling: batch_size is being set to None by default? - Issue #889 by @amontanez24
  • Conditional sampling using GaussianCopula inefficient when categories are noised - Issue #910 by @amontanez24

Documentation Changes