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Implement proofs of arithmetic circuit computations (#7)
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* Generalise over choice of field, use linear library where applicable

* Implement proofs of arithmetic circuit computations

* Fix random number generation for blinding factors

* Make randomN return Integer

* Handle arithmetic proof protocol errors

* Merge circleCI changes from master

* Less linear

* Fix case when arithmetic circuit is empty

* Pad circuit and assignment to accept circuits of any number of gates

* Add test documentation

* Derive Generic and NFData

* Fq derives Generic and NFData

* Derive Generic and NFData (#10)

* Derive Generic and NFData

* Fq derives Generic and NFData

* Add haddock documentation

* Update Readme with Arithmetic Circuits section

* Add complete example to Readme
  • Loading branch information
Acentelles authored and sdiehl committed Aug 15, 2018
1 parent 62e8558 commit 4f994ed
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Showing 14 changed files with 823 additions and 96 deletions.
14 changes: 14 additions & 0 deletions Bulletproofs/ArithmeticCircuit.hs
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module Bulletproofs.ArithmeticCircuit
( generateProof
, verifyProof

, ArithCircuitProof(..)
, ArithCircuit(..)
, ArithWitness(..)
, GateWeights(..)
, Assignment(..)
) where

import Bulletproofs.ArithmeticCircuit.Internal
import Bulletproofs.ArithmeticCircuit.Prover
import Bulletproofs.ArithmeticCircuit.Verifier
256 changes: 256 additions & 0 deletions Bulletproofs/ArithmeticCircuit/Internal.hs
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@@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns, RecordWildCards, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass, DeriveGeneric #-}

module Bulletproofs.ArithmeticCircuit.Internal where

import Protolude hiding (head)
import Data.List (head)
import qualified Data.List as List
import qualified Data.Map as Map

import System.Random.Shuffle (shuffleM)
import qualified Crypto.Random.Types as Crypto (MonadRandom(..))
import Crypto.Number.Generate (generateMax, generateBetween)
import Control.Monad.Random (MonadRandom)
import qualified Crypto.PubKey.ECC.Types as Crypto
import qualified Crypto.PubKey.ECC.Prim as Crypto

import Bulletproofs.Curve
import Bulletproofs.Utils
import Bulletproofs.RangeProof
import qualified Bulletproofs.InnerProductProof as IPP

data ArithCircuitProofError
= TooManyGates Integer -- ^ The number of gates is too high
| NNotPowerOf2 Integer -- ^ The number of gates is not a power of 2
deriving (Show, Eq)

data ArithCircuitProof f
= ArithCircuitProof
{ tBlinding :: f
-- ^ Blinding factor of the T1 and T2 commitments,
-- combined into the form required to make the committed version of the x-polynomial add up
, mu :: f
-- ^ Blinding factor required for the Verifier to verify commitments A, S
, t :: f
-- ^ Dot product of vectors l and r that prove knowledge of the value in range
-- t = t(x) = l(x) · r(x)
, aiCommit :: Crypto.Point
-- ^ Commitment to vectors aL and aR
, aoCommit :: Crypto.Point
-- ^ Commitment to vectors aO
, sCommit :: Crypto.Point
-- ^ Commitment to new vectors sL, sR, created at random by the Prover
, tCommits :: [Crypto.Point]
-- ^ Commitments to t1, t3, t4, t5, t6
, productProof :: IPP.InnerProductProof f
} deriving (Show, Eq, Generic, NFData)

data ArithCircuit f
= ArithCircuit
{ weights :: GateWeights f
-- ^ Weights for vectors of left and right inputs and for vector of outputs
, commitmentWeights :: [[f]]
-- ^ Weigths for a commitments V of rank m
, cs :: [f]
-- ^ Vector of constants of size Q
} deriving (Show, Eq, Generic, NFData)

data GateWeights f
= GateWeights
{ wL :: [[f]] -- ^ WL ∈ F^(Q x n)
, wR :: [[f]] -- ^ WR ∈ F^(Q x n)
, wO :: [[f]] -- ^ WO ∈ F^(Q x n)
} deriving (Show, Eq, Generic, NFData)

data ArithWitness f
= ArithWitness
{ assignment :: Assignment f -- ^ Vectors of left and right inputs and vector of outputs
, commitments :: [Crypto.Point] -- ^ Vector of commited input values ∈ F^m
, commitBlinders :: [f] -- ^ Vector of blinding factors for input values ∈ F^m
} deriving (Show, Eq, Generic, NFData)

data Assignment f
= Assignment
{ aL :: [f] -- ^ aL ∈ F^n. Vector of left inputs of each multiplication gate
, aR :: [f] -- ^ aR ∈ F^n. Vector of right inputs of each multiplication gate
, aO :: [f] -- ^ aO ∈ F^n. Vector of outputs of each multiplication gate
} deriving (Show, Eq, Generic, NFData)

-- | Pad circuit weights to make n be a power of 2, which
-- is required to compute the inner product proof
padCircuit :: Num f => ArithCircuit f -> ArithCircuit f
padCircuit ArithCircuit{..}
= ArithCircuit
{ weights = GateWeights wLNew wRNew wONew
, commitmentWeights = commitmentWeights
, cs = cs
GateWeights{..} = weights
wLNew = padToNearestPowerOfTwo <$> wL
wRNew = padToNearestPowerOfTwo <$> wR
wONew = padToNearestPowerOfTwo <$> wO

-- | Pad assignment vectors to make their length n be a power of 2, which
-- is required to compute the inner product proof
padAssignment :: Num f => Assignment f -> Assignment f
padAssignment Assignment{..}
= Assignment aLNew aRNew aONew
aLNew = padToNearestPowerOfTwo aL
aRNew = padToNearestPowerOfTwo aR
aONew = padToNearestPowerOfTwo aO

delta :: (Eq f, Field f) => Integer -> f -> [f] -> [f] -> f
delta n y zwL zwR= (powerVector (recip y) n `hadamardp` zwR) `dot` zwL

commitBitVector :: (AsInteger f) => f -> [f] -> [f] -> Crypto.Point
commitBitVector vBlinding vL vR = vLG `addP` vRH `addP` vBlindingH
vBlindingH = vBlinding `mulP` h
vLG = foldl' addP Crypto.PointO ( zipWith mulP vL gs )
vRH = foldl' addP Crypto.PointO ( zipWith mulP vR hs )

shamirGxGxG :: (Show f, Num f) => Crypto.Point -> Crypto.Point -> Crypto.Point -> f
shamirGxGxG p1 p2 p3
= fromInteger $ oracle $ show q <> pointToBS p1 <> pointToBS p2 <> pointToBS p3

shamirGs :: (Show f, Num f) => [Crypto.Point] -> f
shamirGs ps = fromInteger $ oracle $ show q <> foldMap pointToBS ps

shamirZ :: (Show f, Num f) => f -> f
shamirZ z = fromInteger $ oracle $ show q <> show z

-- Polynomials

evaluatePolynomial :: (Num f) => Integer -> [[f]] -> f -> [f]
evaluatePolynomial (fromIntegral -> n) poly x
= foldl'
(\acc (idx, e) -> acc ^+^ ((*) (x ^ idx) <$> e))
(replicate n 0)
(zip [0..] poly)

multiplyPoly :: Num n => [[n]] -> [[n]] -> [n]
multiplyPoly l r
= snd <$> Map.toList (foldl' (\accL (i, li)
-> foldl'
(\accR (j, rj) -> case Map.lookup (i + j) accR of
Just x -> Map.insert (i + j) (x + (li `dot` rj)) accR
Nothing -> Map.insert (i + j) (li `dot` rj) accR
) accL (zip [0..] r))
(Map.empty :: Num n => Map.Map Int n)
(zip [0..] l))

-- Linear algebra

vectorMatrixProduct :: (Num f) => [f] -> [[f]] -> [f]
vectorMatrixProduct v m
= sum . zipWith (*) v <$> transpose m

vectorMatrixProductT :: (Num f) => [f] -> [[f]] -> [f]
vectorMatrixProductT v m
= sum . zipWith (*) v <$> m

matrixVectorProduct :: (Num f) => [[f]] -> [f] -> [f]
matrixVectorProduct m v
= head $ matrixProduct m [v]

powerMatrix :: (Num f) => [[f]] -> Integer -> [[f]]
powerMatrix m 0 = m
powerMatrix m n = matrixProduct m (powerMatrix m (n-1))

matrixProduct :: Num a => [[a]] -> [[a]] -> [[a]]
matrixProduct a b = (\ar -> sum . zipWith (*) ar <$> transpose b) <$> a

insertAt :: Int -> a -> [a] -> [a]
insertAt z y xs = as ++ (y : bs)
(as, bs) = splitAt z xs

genIdenMatrix :: (Num f) => Integer -> [[f]]
genIdenMatrix size = (\x -> (\y -> fromIntegral (fromEnum (x == y))) <$> [1..size]) <$> [1..size]

genZeroMatrix :: (Num f) => Integer -> Integer -> [[f]]
genZeroMatrix (fromIntegral -> n) (fromIntegral -> m) = replicate n (replicate m 0)

generateWv :: (Num f, MonadRandom m) => Integer -> Integer -> m [[f]]
generateWv lConstraints m
| lConstraints < m = panic "Number of constraints must be bigger than m"
| otherwise = shuffleM (genIdenMatrix m ++ genZeroMatrix (lConstraints - m) m)

generateGateWeights :: (Crypto.MonadRandom m, Num f) => Integer -> Integer -> m (GateWeights f)
generateGateWeights lConstraints n = do
[wL, wR, wO] <- replicateM 3 ((\i -> insertAt (fromIntegral i) (oneVector n) (replicate (fromIntegral lConstraints - 1) (zeroVector n))) <$> generateMax (fromIntegral lConstraints))
pure $ GateWeights wL wR wO
zeroVector x = replicate (fromIntegral x) 0
oneVector x = replicate (fromIntegral x) 1

generateRandomAssignment :: forall f m . (Num f, AsInteger f, Crypto.MonadRandom m) => Integer -> m (Assignment f)
generateRandomAssignment n = do
aL <- replicateM (fromIntegral n) ((fromInteger :: Integer -> f) <$> generateMax (2^n))
aR <- replicateM (fromIntegral n) ((fromInteger :: Integer -> f) <$> generateMax (2^n))
let aO = aL `hadamardp` aR
pure $ Assignment aL aR aO

computeInputValues :: (Field f, Eq f) => GateWeights f -> [[f]] -> Assignment f -> [f] -> [f]
computeInputValues GateWeights{..} wV Assignment{..} cs
= solveLinearSystem $ zipWith (\row s -> reverse $ s : row) wV solutions
solutions = vectorMatrixProductT aL wL
^+^ vectorMatrixProductT aR wR
^+^ vectorMatrixProductT aO wO
^-^ cs

gaussianReduce :: (Field f, Eq f) => [[f]] -> [[f]]
gaussianReduce matrix = fixlastrow $ foldl reduceRow matrix [0..length matrix-1]
-- Swaps element at position a with element at position b.
swap xs a b
| a > b = swap xs b a
| a == b = xs
| a < b = let (p1, p2) = splitAt a xs
(p3, p4) = splitAt (b - a - 1) (List.tail p2)
in p1 ++ [xs List.!! b] ++ p3 ++ [xs List.!! a] ++ List.tail p4

-- Concat the lists and repeat
reduceRow matrix1 r = take r matrix2 ++ [row1] ++ nextrows
--First non-zero element on or below (r,r).
firstnonzero = head $ filter (\x -> matrix1 List.!! x List.!! r /= 0) [r..length matrix1 - 1]
--Matrix with row swapped (if needed)
matrix2 = swap matrix1 r firstnonzero
--Row we're working with
row = matrix2 List.!! r
--Make it have 1 as the leading coefficient
row1 = (\x -> x * recip (row List.!! r)) <$> row
--Subtract nr from row1 while multiplying
subrow nr = let k = nr List.!! r in zipWith (\a b -> k*a - b) row1 nr
--Apply subrow to all rows below
nextrows = subrow <$> drop (r + 1) matrix2

fixlastrow matrix' = a ++ [List.init (List.init row) ++ [1, z * recip nz]]
a = List.init matrix'; row = List.last matrix'
z = List.last row
nz = List.last (List.init row)

-- Solve a matrix (must already be in REF form) by back substitution.
substituteMatrix :: (Field f, Eq f) => [[f]] -> [f]
substituteMatrix matrix = foldr next [List.last (List.last matrix)] (List.init matrix)
next row found = let
subpart = List.init $ drop (length matrix - length found) row
solution = List.last row - sum (zipWith (*) found subpart)
in solution : found

solveLinearSystem :: (Field f, Eq f) => [[f]] -> [f]
solveLinearSystem = reverse . substituteMatrix . gaussianReduce
118 changes: 118 additions & 0 deletions Bulletproofs/ArithmeticCircuit/Prover.hs
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{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards, ScopedTypeVariables, ViewPatterns #-}
module Bulletproofs.ArithmeticCircuit.Prover where

import Protolude

import Crypto.Random.Types (MonadRandom(..))
import Crypto.Number.Generate (generateMax)
import qualified Crypto.PubKey.ECC.Prim as Crypto
import qualified Crypto.PubKey.ECC.Types as Crypto

import Bulletproofs.Curve
import Bulletproofs.Utils hiding (shamirZ)
import qualified Bulletproofs.InnerProductProof as IPP
import Bulletproofs.ArithmeticCircuit.Internal

-- | Generate a zero-knowledge proof of computation
-- for an arithmetic circuit with a valid witness
:: forall f m
. (MonadRandom m, AsInteger f, Field f, Show f, Eq f)
=> ArithCircuit f
-> ArithWitness f
-> m (ArithCircuitProof f)
generateProof (padCircuit -> ArithCircuit{..}) ArithWitness{..} = do
let GateWeights{..} = weights
let Assignment{..} = padAssignment assignment
[aiBlinding, aoBlinding, sBlinding] <- replicateM 3 ((fromInteger :: Integer -> f) <$> generateMax q)
let n = fromIntegral $ length aL
aiCommit = commitBitVector aiBlinding aL aR -- commitment to aL, aR
aoCommit = commitBitVector aoBlinding aO [] -- commitment to aO

(sL, sR) <- chooseBlindingVectors n -- choose blinding vectors sL, sR
let sCommit = commitBitVector sBlinding sL sR -- commitment to sL, sR

let y = shamirGxGxG aiCommit aoCommit sCommit
z = shamirZ y
ys = powerVector y n
zs = drop 1 (powerVector z (qLen + 1))

zwL = zs `vectorMatrixProduct` wL
zwR = zs `vectorMatrixProduct` wR
zwO = zs `vectorMatrixProduct` wO

-- Polynomials
[lPoly, rPoly] = computePolynomials n aL aR aO sL sR y zwL zwR zwO
tPoly = multiplyPoly lPoly rPoly

w = (aL `vectorMatrixProductT` wL)
^+^ (aR `vectorMatrixProductT` wR)
^+^ (aO `vectorMatrixProductT` wO)

t2 = (aL `dot` (aR `hadamardp` ys))
- (aO `dot` ys)
+ (zs `dot` w)
+ delta n y zwL zwR

tBlindings <- insertAt 2 0 . (:) 0 <$> replicateM 5 ((fromInteger :: Integer -> f) <$> generateMax q)
let tCommits = zipWith commit tPoly tBlindings

let x = shamirGs tCommits
evalTCommit = foldl' addP Crypto.PointO (zipWith mulP (powerVector x 7) tCommits)

let ls = evaluatePolynomial n lPoly x
rs = evaluatePolynomial n rPoly x
t = ls `dot` rs

commitTimesWeigths = commitBlinders `vectorMatrixProductT` commitmentWeights
zGamma = zs `dot` commitTimesWeigths
tBlinding = sum (zipWith (\i blinding -> blinding * (x ^ i)) [0..] tBlindings)
+ (fSquare x * zGamma)

mu = aiBlinding * x + aoBlinding * fSquare x + sBlinding * (x ^ 3)

let uChallenge = shamirU tBlinding mu t
u = uChallenge `mulP` g
hs' = zipWith mulP (powerVector (recip y) n) hs
gExp = (*) x <$> (powerVector (recip y) n `hadamardp` zwR)
hExp = (((*) x <$> zwL) ^+^ zwO) ^-^ ys
commitmentLR = (x `mulP` aiCommit)
`addP` (fSquare x `mulP` aoCommit)
`addP` ((x ^ 3)`mulP` sCommit)
`addP` foldl' addP Crypto.PointO (zipWith mulP gExp gs)
`addP` foldl' addP Crypto.PointO (zipWith mulP hExp hs')
`addP` Crypto.pointNegate curve (mu `mulP` h)
`addP` (t `mulP` u)

let productProof = IPP.generateProof
IPP.InnerProductBase { bGs = gs, bHs = hs', bH = u }
IPP.InnerProductWitness { ls = ls, rs = rs }

pure ArithCircuitProof
{ tBlinding = tBlinding
, mu = mu
, t = t
, aiCommit = aiCommit
, aoCommit = aoCommit
, sCommit = sCommit
, tCommits = tCommits
, productProof = productProof
qLen = fromIntegral $ length commitmentWeights
computePolynomials n aL aR aO sL sR y zwL zwR zwO
= [ [l0, l1, l2, l3]
, [r0, r1, r2, r3]
l0 = replicate (fromIntegral n) 0
l1 = aL ^+^ (powerVector (recip y) n `hadamardp` zwR)
l2 = aO
l3 = sL

r0 = zwO ^-^ powerVector y n
r1 = (powerVector y n `hadamardp` aR) ^+^ zwL
r2 = replicate (fromIntegral n) 0
r3 = powerVector y n `hadamardp` sR

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