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Releases: scotthmurray/d3-book

Second Edition (Another Misspelling Fixed)

21 Nov 22:59
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This release exactly matches what you see in the book, with the teeny, tiny exception of the word “February,” which appears misspelled in some of the illustrations in Chapter 16.

You know what? Forget I said anything. Because now all you’ll be able to do is hunt through that chapter, looking for the one stupid mistake. Is that really how you want to spend your life?

  • Fixes #25 (again)

Second Edition (Mispelling Fix)

14 Nov 22:10
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This release exactly matches what you see in the book.

Yet a misspelled word in my code comments has been corrected.

Second Edition (Citation Fix)

17 Aug 19:27
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This is the same as v2.0 and exactly matches what you see in the book.

The only change in this version is a corrected source URL for US Census data in a README. (They changed their URL structure after I finished these code examples!)

Second Edition

22 Jun 18:10
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If you are reading the second edition of the book, then these are the code examples you are looking for! And wowie, zowie — since the book’s first edition, these have all been updated to use D3 v4, plus now you’ve got more than 40 new, additional examples to explore.

You’re welcome. And now, unless you’re going to log any issues pointing out my mistakes, I’m going to put my feet up. Whew!

First Edition

30 Jun 21:36
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The book has officially been out in the world for over two years now, so it’s time for a 1.0 release of these examples! In truth, the examples themselves haven’t changed, but I’m flagging this as 1.0, so I can get started on 2.0: updated and all-new examples to accompany the forthcoming second edition. See: different editions, different examples.

If you’re reading the first edition of the book, published March 2013, you want this 1.0 release. If you are reading the second edition of the book, then you must be living in the future, so please email me a copy and spare me from writing the thing.