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2.0.0 Release - Huge Changes!

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@hperrin hperrin released this 10 Apr 01:58
· 505 commits to master since this release

This release is chocked full of new features, bug fixes, and big changes.

The biggest change by far is how you create a notice. No longer is it a jQuery function:

$.pnotify("I'm a notice.");

It's now a class that you can instantiate.

new PNotify("I'm a notice.");

This change has made it possible to break up PNotify's functionality into modules. Each module can be included to provide the additional functionality. If you don't need that functionality, you don't include that module, and you don't get that extra bloat across the wire!

The next big change is support of the new Web Notification Draft. This allows you to notify your users, even when they're not on your page. They can be in a different tab, or a different application and still get notified. And if the user's browser doesn't support Web Notification, PNotify will fall back to a regular in-browser notice. This makes PNotify the best way to take advantage of the new Web Notification spec. Check it out under the Module Demos section of the home page.

The last big change is confirmation dialogs. In the last release, one of the demos showed how you could craft a confirmation dialog, but it wasn't part of PNotify, and it was a lot of extra code. Now confirmation dialogs are part of PNotify, and they're very easy to create. Check it out under the Module Demos section of the home page

Downloading Version 2.0.0

Version 2.0.0 lets you choose what functionality to include in your build, so you must

Download PNotify from the home page.