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Scott Young ("Marco Polo")

Terrel Shumway edited this page Jan 24, 2015 · 1 revision
  • Dive in: get quickly into a situation where you are not comfortable because you are learning new stuff

    I can apply this to learning R. I need to just try something, without worrying that it is not perfect.

  • Get out a blank piece of paper and try to explain the idea to someone else. review the places where you are unclear or vague or cannot explain clearly.

  • create vivid examples. look for concrete analogs/metaphors for the abstract ideas.

  • always have a mission: a reason to learn what you are learning. e.g. learning MIT cs without going to MIT become fluent in a language in 3 months.

  • disadvantage of MOOCs: harder to find non-entry level courses look at MITs open courseware (more DIY than MOOCs)

  • learn more by studying less. exercise analogy: short, highly-focused, intense study sessions

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