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SDF-2D minimal example

The deployed example is available here.

The SDF-2D library can be found on GitHub and NPM as well.


Simply clone the repository and open index.html.


Reproducing this repository from scratch

A tutorial for installing Webpack is also included below, for more information about Webpack visit their getting started page.

  • Install Node.js

  • Create a directory called sdf-2d-example and open a terminal inside it

  • Run the following commands

    npm init -y
    npm install webpack webpack-cli sdf-2d --save-dev
  • Create a directory called src, and a new file inside of it named index.html

  • Copy the following code into sdf-2d-example/dist/index.html

    <!DOCTYPE html>
        <canvas width="600" height="300"></canvas>
        <script src="main.js"></script>
  • Create a directory called src, and a new file inside of it named index.js

  • Copy the following code into sdf-2d-example/src/index.js

    import { compile, CircleFactory, hsl, CircleLight } from "sdf-2d";
    const main = async () => {
      // Create a new Drawable class
      // This has a fixed color given by the hue-saturation-lightness values,
      // but it could also be changed even during runtime.
      const Circle = CircleFactory(hsl(30, 66, 100));
      // Get a reference to the canvas element on the HTML page
      const canvas = document.querySelector("canvas");
      // Create a renderer and wait for it to compile the required shaders
      const renderer = await compile(canvas, [
      // Schedule a new circle to be drawn
      // Objects can be drawn multiple times
      renderer.addDrawable(new Circle([200, 200], 50));
      // Schedule a new light to be drawn
      // An ambient light is always present unless turned of
      renderer.addDrawable(new CircleLight([500, 300], [1, 0.5, 0], 0.5));
      // Up until now, nothing has been draw
      // The scene is now visible on the canvas
  • Inside sdf-2d-example, execute the command npx webpack, this will generate a new file in your dist folder.

  • You're finished, open sdf-2d-example/dist/index.html

Next steps

For a more complex example visit this repository.