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Power consumption prediction for data centers (TensorFlow/Keras and PyTorch)

Power Consumption Example.

This is an example of a neural network regression model in a federated setting. Time series data from two data centers in Sweden and Finland are used to predict the relationship between CPU and Network usage and power consumption. The tutorial is based on the following article that has more background information on the use-case:

The model in this example is a simplified version of the model used in the article, aimed at reducing the compute requirements on the client side. A typical laptop or workstation should be capable of handling multiple clients. A partition of the dataset needed for this example is publically accessible.

wget --no-check-certificate '' -O power.npz

To access the complete dataset, please get in touch with Scaleout staff. The following figure illustrates the overall concept of the example.

Overview figure highlighting input parameters and expected output.

In case you have any questions, feel free to contact us.

Prerequisites, when running clients in Docker containers

The example assumes working experience with Docker.

Attach clients to an existing FEDn Network (for workshop)


For the workshop, we will use PyTorch based compute-package. The workshop leader will provide the dataset and the client configuration file, client.yaml.

Using Docker (Linux and MacOS)

Here we assume that the FEDn network is up and running and you have obtained the connection file (client.yaml). In case you are participating in a Scaleout workshop, you will obtain the file from the workshop organizer. If you are working on the tutorial on your own, complete the instructions below before connecting the client.


In case you want to run a client on M1 or M2 macOS using TensorFlow and Keras, make sure you have a compatible framework version.

Clone the repository

git clone
cd Power-consumption-tutorial

The following command will connect your client to the network specified in client.yaml. Please fix the path of the power.npz and client.yaml files according to your local setup.


Make sure that the Docker daemon is running on your system.

 docker run -v $PWD/client.yaml:/app/client.yaml -v $PWD/data:/var/data -e ENTRYPOINT_OPTS=--data_path=/var/data/power.npz fedn run client --secure=True --force-ssl -in client.yaml 

In case you do not want to download an external container from a public repository, run the following two commands.

cd Power-consumption-pytorch
docker build --no-cache -t power-consumption:local .
docker run -v $PWD/client.yaml:/app/client.yaml -v $PWD/data:/var/data -e ENTRYPOINT_OPTS=--data_path=/var/data/power.npz power-consumption:local fedn run client --secure=True --force-ssl -in client.yaml

These two commands build a local container and start a new client based on a locally built client container.

Using Docker on Windows

Here we assume that the FEDn network is up and running and you have obtained the connection file (client.yaml). In case you are participating in a Scaleout workshop, you will obtain the file from the workshop organizer. If you are working on the tutorial on your own, complete the instructions below in the section (Setting up the federation (model initiator)) before connecting the client.

Start PowerShell and install virtualenv if needed, then create a virtualenv named scaleout_test and activate it (just type deactivate to deactivate the virtualenv))

pip install virtualenv
python -m venv scaleout_test
cd scaleout_test

Clone this repository

git clone
cd Power-consumption-tutorial


The workshop leader will provide the dataset and the client configuration file, client.yaml.

Download the dataset and client.yaml file and move them to the Power-consumption-tutorial directory. The directory structure will look as follows:

where the data directory contains the power.npz file.

The following command will connect your client to the network specified in client.yaml. Please fix the path of the power.npz and client.yaml files according to your local setup.


Make sure that the Docker deamon is running on your system.

docker run -v $PWD/client.yaml:/app/client.yaml -v $PWD/data:/var/data -e ENTRYPOINT_OPTS=--data_path=/var/data/power.npz fedn run client --secure=True --force-ssl -in client.yaml -in client.yaml

Natively on your host (without docker)

Clone this repository

git clone
cd Power-consumption-tutorial/Power-consumption-pytorch

Create virtual env (from root folder in the repository)

On Linux:


On MacOS (tested on M1 macs):


Install FEDn into the virtual env

.power-consumption-keras/bin/pip install git+\&subdirectory=fedn

Activate the virtual env

source .power-consumption-keras/bin/activate

Specify absolute path to your local data is located (replace /path/to/)

export ENTRYPOINT_OPTS=--data_path=/path/to/power.npz

Start the client (assumes you have the client config file client.yaml)

fedn run client --secure=True --force-ssl -in client.yaml

Extra (not for workshop): Setting up the federation (model initiator)

These instructions are for users that want to learn to deploy and intiatialize the federated network (model initiator).

Creating the federated learning network

There are two main options to deploy a FEDn network:

  1. Obtain an account in Scaleout Studio. Apply here: and contact Scaleout staff in the Discord server for this option.
  2. Deploy a FEDn network from scratch on your own machine(s).
  3. A partition of the power consumption test dataset can be downloaded using the following command:
wget --no-check-certificate '' -O power.npz

Preparing the environment, the compute package and the seed model.

Clone the above-mentioned FEDn repository in step 2. Locate into the directory, pick one of the available examples, then:

Initialize a virtual environment with all of the required dependencies.


Build the compute package and seed model.


You should now have two files, package.tar.gz and seed.npz. Initialize the FEDn network using these, and then follow instructions above to connect clients.

Build the environment (Docker image)

docker build -t scaleoutsystems/power-consumption:main

(If you have not made local changes to the package and/or requirements.txt, you can also use the pre-build package available in this repository,

You can now connect the client following the instructions above. Note that depending on how you deployed the network, you might need to modify some of the command line options to fedn. Refer to the FEDn documentation.