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Description: Retail Store we would like to understand the Customer behaviour using their point of Sales Data.

• worked with several tables - fact and dimension tables

• Analyzed of the Point of Sale (POS) data, in SQL database.

• Data manipulation in SQL

• Applied various clauses such as WHERE, GROUP BY, HAVING, and ORDER BY to extract valuable information and insights help to take data driven decision to grow business.

• Identified top performing customers, products, key patterns and trends within the Point of Sale data.

🛠 Skills

SQL Server Management Studio · Microsoft SQL Server

🚀 About Me

I'm an aspiring Data Analyst with a strong foundation in data manipulation and statistical analysis. I thrive on uncovering insights that drive decisions and am passionate about learning.

As a Data Analyst, I specialize in transforming raw data into clear, impactful insights using Python, SQL, and visualization tools like Matplotlib and Power BI. My educational background includes a Post Graduate Diploma in Business Administration in Finance, and I'm currently pursuing a Data Science program at AnalytixLabs.

My technical skills encompass Python, SQL, Statsmodel, and various statistical techniques, with a focus on machine learning libraries like Scikit-Learn and TensorFlow. I'm dedicated to turning data into compelling stories that influence business outcomes.

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