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Generate and verify JWT tokens with Trusted Platform Module (TPM)


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golang-jwt for Trusted Platform Module (TPM)

This is just an extension for go-jwt i wrote over thanksgiving that allows creating and verifying JWT tokens where the private key is embedded inside a Trusted platform module.

You can use this library to sign and verify a JWT using the standard go-jwt library semantics.

Using a TPM to sign or encrypt anything has some very specific applications which i will not go into it much (if your'e reading this, you probably already know). If a JWT is signed by a TPM and if the key that was used was setup in a specific format, the verifier can be sure that the JWT was signed by that TPM.

For example, you can use a TPM to generate an RSA key with specifications that "this key was generated on a TPM with characteristics such that it cannot get exportable outside the TPM"..very necessarily, the RSA private key will never exist anywhere else other than in that TPM.

How a you trust that a specific RSA or ECC key happens to be from a given TPM with a given specification set is a rather complicated protocol that is also not covered in this repo. The specific trust protocol is called TPM Remote Attestation.

This repo assumes the verifier of the JWT has already established that the RSA key that is being used to sign the JWT

this repo is not supported by google

Supported Key Types

The following types are supported

  • RS256
  • PS256
  • ES256

against the TPM OWNER hierarchy


Use this library to issue JWTs in a way compatible with golang-jwt library. The difference is that the caller must initialize a low-level [go-tpm/tpm2.TPMHandle][] object from go-tpm and pass that through with any optional authorized session:

import (
	tpmjwt ""


// initialize the TPM
rwc, err := tpm2.OpenTPM(*tpmPath)
defer rwc.Close()
rwr := transport.FromReadWriter(rwc)

// get an existing tpm based keys persistent or transient handle
// pass that to this library along with any session authorization 
config := &tpmjwt.TPMConfig{
	TPMDevice: rwc,
	Handle:    tpm2.TPMHandle(keyHandle),
	Session:   tpm2.PasswordAuth(nil),

keyctx, err := tpmjwt.NewTPMContext(ctx, config)

claims := &jwt.RegisteredClaims{
	ExpiresAt: &jwt.NumericDate{time.Now().Add(time.Minute * 1)},
	Issuer:    "test",

token := jwt.NewWithClaims(tpmjwt.SigningMethodTPMRS256, claims)
tokenString, err := token.SignedString(keyctx)

fmt.Printf("TOKEN: %s\n", tokenString)


To use this library, you need a TPM to issue a JWT. You do not need a TPM to verify; you just need the public key. On linux, its usually at /dev/tpm0

The sample setup uses a GCP Shielded VM. You can use any system that has a TPM (including a raspberryPi with a fancy extra on chip)


gcloud compute  instances create   tpm-device     \
   --zone=us-central1-a --machine-type=n1-standard-1 \
   --tags tpm       --no-service-account  --no-scopes  \
   --shielded-secure-boot --shielded-vtpm --shielded-integrity-monitoring  \
   --image-family=debian-11 --image-project=debian-cloud

# ssh to VM, install tpm2_tools from source
sudo su -
apt-get update

apt -y install   autoconf-archive   libcmocka0   libcmocka-dev   procps  \
   iproute2   build-essential   git   pkg-config   gcc   libtool   automake \
     libssl-dev   uthash-dev   autoconf   doxygen  libcurl4-openssl-dev dbus-x11 libglib2.0-dev libjson-c-dev acl

git clone
  cd tpm2-tss
  ./configure --with-udevrulesdir=/etc/udev/rules.d
  make -j$(nproc)
  make install
  udevadm control --reload-rules && sudo udevadm trigger

git clone
  cd tpm2-tools
  make check
  make install

rm -rf /usr/local/go && tar -C /usr/local -xzf go1.22.2.linux-amd64.tar.gz
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin

Once on the VM, create a key on TPM (if you already have an existing key on TPM, you can acquire a handle and pass that to the library).


For simplicity, the following generates and embeds keys into a persistent handle using tpm2_tools. (You are free to use any system to provision a key)


Create RSA key at handle 0x81008001, RSA-PSS handle at 0x81008004.

## RSA - no password
	tpm2_createprimary -C o -G rsa2048:aes128cfb -g sha256 -c primary.ctx -a 'restricted|decrypt|fixedtpm|fixedparent|sensitivedataorigin|userwithauth|noda'
	tpm2_create -G rsa2048:rsassa:null -g sha256 -u -r key.priv -C primary.ctx
	tpm2_flushcontext  -t
	tpm2_getcap  handles-transient
	tpm2_load -C primary.ctx -u -r key.priv -c key.ctx
	tpm2_evictcontrol -C o -c key.ctx 0x81008001
	tpm2_flushcontext  -t

## rsa-pss
	tpm2_createprimary -C o -G rsa2048:aes128cfb -g sha256 -c primary.ctx -a 'restricted|decrypt|fixedtpm|fixedparent|sensitivedataorigin|userwithauth|noda'
	tpm2_create -G rsa2048:rsapss:null -g sha256 -u -r key.priv -C primary.ctx  --format=pem --output=rsapss_public.pem
	tpm2_flushcontext  -t
	tpm2_getcap  handles-transient 
	tpm2_load -C primary.ctx -u -r key.priv -c key.ctx
	tpm2_evictcontrol -C o -c key.ctx 0x81008004
	tpm2_flushcontext  -t

## ecc
	tpm2_createprimary -C o -G rsa2048:aes128cfb -g sha256 -c primary.ctx -a 'restricted|decrypt|fixedtpm|fixedparent|sensitivedataorigin|userwithauth|noda'
	tpm2_create -G ecc:ecdsa  -g sha256  -u -r key.priv -C primary.ctx  --format=pem --output=ecc_public.pem
	tpm2_flushcontext  -t
	tpm2_getcap  handles-transient  
	tpm2_load -C primary.ctx -u -r key.priv -c key.ctx
	tpm2_evictcontrol -C o -c key.ctx 0x81008005    
	tpm2_flushcontext  -t	

Then run,

cd example/

## RS256
$ go run nopolicy/main.go --mode=rsa --persistentHandle=0x81008001 --tpm-path=/dev/tpm0

	2024/05/30 11:26:54 ======= Init  ========
	2024/05/30 11:26:54 primaryKey Name AAvaZWBJngiVUFq6Dg/Q7uBxAK3INE3G/GOsnm7v0TGujQ==
	2024/05/30 11:26:54      Signing PEM 
	-----END PUBLIC KEY-----
	TOKEN: eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJ0ZXN0IiwiZXhwIjoxNzE3MDgyODc0fQ.ETa4wNzr-NkUN9VLyCS0_8ZJkSsHxd_xbLfHnRr-wtjdD8-XqlYJ7ehYZRC677u_tda3AHftS8uXlPN1jNnbw5sAq7E50IyS2LICExc6SHPuGrsh_O4GN1sM4Gbaxk-KjRYIlePFbiepc0liyEglan4gjEySBZMrIzItvKBEfq-sC092RysfARggnRgUxNf49zlYPX8jTYL2OW46cc2c4qOurnDQhWWSn4MqfcfMh932eMBqW_i1obIcD_LjlQxfmJ7-e1Dm2n86CyFEHWe0ANQ3ixEp8ybuLzbU_KB3wFtnXJMn_iifoKJPpzFMds5d5GdeW_jiikiB1Eb7PUChlg
	2024/05/30 11:26:54      verified with TPM PublicKey
	2024/05/30 11:26:54      verified with exported PubicKey

## PS256
$ go run nopolicy/main.go --mode=rsapss --persistentHandle=0x81008004 --tpm-path=/dev/tpm0

	2024/05/30 11:27:10 ======= Init  ========
	2024/05/30 11:27:10 primaryKey Name AAvaZWBJngiVUFq6Dg/Q7uBxAK3INE3G/GOsnm7v0TGujQ==
	2024/05/30 11:27:10      Signing PEM 
	-----END PUBLIC KEY-----
	TOKEN: eyJhbGciOiJQUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJ0ZXN0IiwiZXhwIjoxNzE3MDgyODkwfQ.PTWmvgLXE4oVVdNW_fZr5_BZbcYAghUfdyaFIYCmQHXqJ60alHeZX3w9Vr3p62bWtX7LrIKMrOMqKfhcUz92fBYcx2z1BY1Y3RS6VyP3FUgckH4puFA8kU6Z7bFalgqVGV03B3jnlpRyNZOhbtcEHgf4XplmP_5ZIykw8q6ekChwyYrCwu03-m10lH_R6q4YKC_LV4sjcsvV4ZCTnZWo07ggbv8NUWECr13wu7ChWaD8UrvsUdhXXGMGnS_xtqKKvQjSL5EqSjmp8_PO10CI2x0ZgKFYY4aqh_CFQr-lT5qzkIgv9R5GzLPCdaa8NBpWx2YaTore61miXXLxdiJFwg
	2024/05/30 11:27:10      verified with TPM PublicKey
	2024/05/30 11:27:10      verified with exported PubicKey

## ES356
$ go run nopolicy/main.go --mode=ecc --persistentHandle=0x81008005 --tpm-path=/dev/tpm0

	2024/05/30 11:27:35 ======= Init  ========
	2024/05/30 11:27:35 primaryKey Name AAvaZWBJngiVUFq6Dg/Q7uBxAK3INE3G/GOsnm7v0TGujQ==
	2024/05/30 11:27:35      Signing PEM 
	-----END PUBLIC KEY-----
	TOKEN: eyJhbGciOiJFUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJ0ZXN0IiwiZXhwIjoxNzE3MDgyOTE1fQ.rm2RNGLnmKbLkdZbrkBxyd674VPX-VtKODNLDQgea_W1IRSMtKIaFWDzkuap3NGTVqsF-A9sIkAGRCdqAqF4rQ
	2024/05/30 11:27:35      verified with TPM PublicKey
	2024/05/30 11:27:35      verified with exported PubicKey

Session Encryption

If you want to enable session encryption, you need to supply an external key you know to be associated with a TPM (eg an Endorsement Key):

	createEKCmd := tpm2.CreatePrimary{
		PrimaryHandle: tpm2.TPMRHEndorsement,
		InPublic:      tpm2.New2B(tpm2.RSAEKTemplate),
	createEKRsp, err := createEKCmd.Execute(rwr)

	encryptionPub, err := createEKRsp.OutPublic.Contents()

	config := &tpmjwt.TPMConfig{
		TPMDevice:        rwc,
		Handle:           tpm2.TPMHandle(*persistentHandle),
		EncryptionHandle: createEKRsp.ObjectHandle,
		EncryptionPub:    encryptionPub,

Once you do that, the bus traffic is also encrypted

Imported Key

If you want to import an external RSA key to the TPM, you will need to define a persistent handle as well.

using tpm2_tools:

	openssl genrsa -out private.pem 2048
	openssl rsa -in private.pem -outform PEM -pubout -out public.pem

	tpm2_createprimary -C o -g sha256 -G rsa -c primary.ctx
	tpm2_import -C primary.ctx -G rsa2048:rsassa:null -g sha256  -i private.pem -u -r key.prv
	tpm2_load -C primary.ctx -u -r key.prv -c key.ctx
	tpm2_evictcontrol -C o -c key.ctx 0x81008006

You can also see how to load the entire chain here Loading TPM key chains

With Session and Policy

If a key is bound to a Password or PCR policy, you can specify that inline during key initialization.

For example, the following has password policy bound:

	keyPass := []byte("pass2")
	config := &tpmjwt.TPMConfig{
		TPMDevice: rwc,
		Handle:    tpm2.TPMHandle(*persistentHandle),
		Session:   tpm2.PasswordAuth(keyPass),
	keyctx, err := tpmjwt.NewTPMContext(ctx, config)

Which you can initialize though:

## RSA - password

    tpm2_createprimary -C o -G rsa2048:aes128cfb -g sha256 -p pass1 -c primary.ctx -a 'restricted|decrypt|fixedtpm|fixedparent|sensitivedataorigin|userwithauth|noda'
	tpm2_create -G rsa2048:rsassa:null -g sha256 -P pass1 -p pass2 -u -r key.priv -C primary.ctx
	tpm2_flushcontext  -t
	tpm2_getcap  handles-transient
	tpm2_load -C primary.ctx -P pass1 -u -r key.priv -c key.ctx
	tpm2_evictcontrol -C o -c key.ctx 0x81008002
	tpm2_flushcontext  -t

## RSA - pcr

	tpm2_pcrread sha256:23
	tpm2_startauthsession -S session.dat
	tpm2_policypcr -S session.dat -l sha256:23  -L policy.dat
	tpm2_flushcontext session.dat
	tpm2_flushcontext  -t
	tpm2_createprimary -C o -G rsa2048:aes128cfb -g sha256  -c primary.ctx -a 'restricted|decrypt|fixedtpm|fixedparent|sensitivedataorigin|userwithauth|noda'
	tpm2_create -G rsa2048:rsassa:null -g sha256 -u -r key.priv -C primary.ctx  -L policy.dat
	tpm2_flushcontext  -t
	tpm2_getcap  handles-transient
	tpm2_load -C primary.ctx -u -r key.priv -c key.ctx
	tpm2_evictcontrol -C o -c key.ctx 0x81008003
	tpm2_flushcontext  -t


cd example/

## passwordAuth
$ go run policy_password/main.go --persistentHandle=0x81008002 --tpm-path=/dev/tpm0

## pcrAuth
$ go run policy_pcr/main.go --persistentHandle=0x81008003 --tpm-path=/dev/tpm0

For more information, see TPM2 Policy

Sign/Verify with GCP builtin AKCert

vTPMs usually have an EK certificate and template encoded into NV area here described from pg 13 of TCG EK Credential Profile Low Range
The Low Range is at NV Indices 0x01c00002 - 0x01c0000c.
0x01c00002 RSA 2048 EK Certificate
0x01c00003 RSA 2048 EK Nonce
0x01c00004 RSA 2048 EK Template
0x01c0000a ECC NIST P256 EK Certificate
0x01c0000b ECC NIST P256 EK Nonce
0x01c0000c ECC NIST P256 EK Template

To see this and read the EKCertificate,

export TPM2_EK_NV_INDEX=0x1c00002
tpm2_nvreadpublic | sed -n -e "/""$TPM2_EK_NV_INDEX""/,\$p" | sed -e '/^[ \r\n\t]*$/,$d' | grep "size" | sed 's/.*size.*://' | sed -e 's/^[[:space:]]*//' | sed -e 's/[[:space:]]$//'
## note the 1422 is just the size i saw on NV for the cert, yours will be different
tpm2_nvread -s 1422  -C o $TPM2_EK_NV_INDEX |  openssl x509 --inform DER -text -noout  -in -

Note GCE VMs encodes a default the Attestation Certificate into NV area here:

	// RSA 2048 AK.
	GceAKCertNVIndexRSA     uint32 = 0x01c10000
	GceAKTemplateNVIndexRSA uint32 = 0x01c10001

which you can read in directly:

$ tpm2_nvreadpublic 

  name: 000bc1dcc77bde4982d4817bcbe8418d49c1f24e3a017e79e1be9d25f6bc50c0f7c2
  hash algorithm:
    friendly: sha256
    value: 0xB
    friendly: ppwrite|writedefine|ppread|ownerread|authread|no_da|written|platformcreate
    value: 0x62072001
  size: 1516

export GceAKCertNVIndexRSA=0x01c10000
## >>>note the size for me was 1516
tpm2_nvread -s 1516  -C o $GceAKCertNVIndexRSA |  openssl x509 --inform DER -text -noout  -in -

To sign with the attestation key (which is available remotely via GCE APIs and even signed by GCE), just a using go-tpm-tools client:

// attestation key that is signed by GCE
sessionKey, err := client.GceAttestationKeyRSA(rwc)
//sessionKey, err := client.AttestationKeyRSA(rwc)

Usign Simulator

If you down't want to run the tests on a real TPM, you can opt to use swtpm if its installed:

mkdir /tmp/myvtpm
sudo swtpm socket --tpmstate dir=/tmp/myvtpm --tpm2 --server type=tcp,port=2321 --ctrl type=tcp,port=2322 --flags not-need-init,startup-clear

## run any TPM command
export TPM2TOOLS_TCTI="swtpm:port=2321"
tpm2_pcrread sha256:23

also see


Generate and verify JWT tokens with Trusted Platform Module (TPM)








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