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Self-Supervised Depth Estimation on Monocular Sequences


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All4Depth: A PyTorch Collection of Self-Supervised Depth Estimation Methods


  • You need a machine with recent NVIDIA drivers and GPU with at least 6GB of memory (more for the bigger models at higher resolution).

  • Use the docker to have a reproducible environment.

  • This is how you can set up your environment:

  • If you don't have nvidia-docker, go to the Makefile and change it to docker --gpus=all. You can optionally add -v /SSD/seri:/data/datasets to mount your dataset.
git clone
cd All4Depth
make docker-build


  • Datasets are assumed to be downloaded in /data/datasets/$dataset-name$.
  • Symbolic links are also allowed.
  • For example, /data/datasets/KITTI_raw or /data/datasets/KITTI_tiny
  1. KITTI tiny dataset for testing
  • For simple tests, tiny version of KITTI is provided.
curl -s | tar -xv -C /data/datasets/
  1. KITTI raw dataset for training
  • For convenience, the standard splits used for training and evaluation are provided.
  • Go to the folder /data/datasets/KITTI_raw/data_splits
  • The pre-computed ground-truth maps are also provided for supervised training.
# the kitti raw dataset with standard splits 
curl -s | tar -xv -C /data/datasets/

# the original ground truth maps | tar -xv -C /data/datasets/

# the improved ground truth maps | tar -xv -C /data/datasets/

Running Commands Inside the Container

  • You can start the container in interative mode with the following lines:
make docker-start-interative


  • To evaluate a trained model, you need to provide a .ckpt checkpoint, followed by a .yaml config file that overrides the configuration stored in the checkpoint.

  • The pretrained model can be downloaded via this commandline:

# first create a checkpoint folder in your project
mkdir /workspace/All4Depth/ckpt

# download self-supervised, 192x640, trained on raw KITTI model
curl -o /workspace/All4Depth/ckpt/all4depth.ckpt 

# download self-supervised, trained on Cityscapes
curl -o /workspace/All4Depth/ckpt
  • The pretrained model followed the Eigen et al. protocol for training and evaluation, with Zhou et al.'s preprocessing to remove static training frames.

  • Then create a .yaml config file in your project configs folder via touch /workspace/All4Depth/configs/user.yaml like the example below:

        filepath: /workspace/All4Depth/ckpt
        checkpoint_path: /workspace/All4Depth/ckpt/PackNet01_MR_selfsup_K.ckpt
                checkpoint_path: /workspace/All4Depth/depth_net.ckpt
                checkpoint_path: /workspace/All4Depth/pose_net.ckpt
  • Note that providing depth_net and pose_net are optional.

  • Defining a checkpoint to the model itself will include all sub-networks.

  • Also keep in mind that setting the model checkpoint will overwrite depth and pose checkpoints.

  • For reference, .yaml files are provided in /workspace/All4Depth/configs to train and test the model.

  • The following command overrides the configuration stored in the checkpoint.

python3 scripts/ --checkpoint ckpt/PackNet01_MR_selfsup_K.ckpt --config configs/user.yaml
  • To directly run inference on a single image or folder, do:
python3 scripts/ --checkpoint ckpt/PackNet01_MR_selfsup_K.ckpt --input assets/kitti.png --output assets/
  • You can optionally provide the image shape with the flag --image_shape.

  • If you are working on a remote server, you can view your image via ./imgcat kitti.png in the assets folder.


  • Training can be done by passing your .yaml config file.
python3 scripts/ configs/user.yaml
  • If you pass a config file without providing the checkpoint path, training will start from scratch.
  • If you specify a .ckpt path, training will continue from the current checkpoint state.
  • Every aspect of the training configuration can be controlled by modifying the yaml config file.
  • This includes the model configuration as well as the depth and pose networks configuration, optimizers and schedulers and datasets.

WANDB logging and AWS checkpoint syncing

  • To enable WANDB logging and AWS checkpoint syncing, set the corresponding configuration parameters in configs/user.yaml.
        dry run: True # WANDB dry run (not logging)
        name: ''      # WANDB run name
        project: os.environment.get("WANDB_PROJECT", "") # WANDB project
        entity: os.environment.get("WANDB_ENTITY", "")   # WANDB entity
        tags: [] 
        dir: '' # WANDB save folder
        s3_path: ''     # s3 path for AWS model syncing
        s3_frequency: 1 # How often to s3 sync

Additional Tips & Datasets

  • If you encounter out of memory issues, try a lower batch_size parameter in the config file.
  • You can also train/test the model using DDAD (Dense Depth for Autonomous Driving) or OmniCam. Download them via:
# DDAD_tiny
curl -s | tar -xv -C /data/datasets/

curl -s | tar -xv -C /data/datasets/

# omnicam
curl -s | tar -xv -C /data/datasets/


Model Abs.Rel. Sqr.Rel. RMSE RMSElog
SSL, 192x640, KITTI 0.111 0.800 4.576 0.189


  author = {Vitor Guizilini and Rares Ambrus and Sudeep Pillai and Allan Raventos and Adrien Gaidon},
  title = {3D Packing for Self-Supervised Monocular Depth Estimation},
  booktitle = {IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
  primaryClass = {cs.CV}
  year = {2020},

  author = {Vitor Guizilini and Rares Ambrus and Wolfram Burgard and Adrien Gaidon},
  title = {Sparse Auxiliary Networks for Unified Monocular Depth Prediction and Completion},
  booktitle = {IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
  primaryClass = {cs.CV}
  year = {2021},

  title={Feature-metric Loss for Self-supervised Learning of Depth and Egomotion},
  author={Shu, Chang and Yu, Kun and Duan, Zhixiang and Yang, Kuiyuan},

  title     = {Digging into Self-Supervised Monocular Depth Prediction},
  author    = {Cl{\'{e}}ment Godard and
               Oisin {Mac Aodha} and
               Michael Firman and
               Gabriel J. Brostow},
  booktitle = {The International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV)},
  month = {October},
year = {2019}


Self-Supervised Depth Estimation on Monocular Sequences








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