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AWS Amplify Starter Project

Powered by Mason

A highly opinionated AWS Amplify starter project. Based on Very Good Core.

Requirements 🚀

Before you move forward, be sure to have

  • your AWS Account created
  • Amplify CLI is installed.

If you do not know how to do it, you can check the official documentation or this blog post for detailed guide.

How to use 🚀

First create your mason project by running mason init on any folder that you want.

Afterwards, add the library to your project.

mason add amplify_starter

Now generate the files.

You can either fill in the variables on your CLI:

mason make amplify_starter --project_name "AWS Amplify Starter" --project_organization "com.example"


let CLI guide you through the process

mason make amplify_starter

Variables ✨

Variable Description Default Type
project_name Name of your project Amplify Starter string
project_organization Organization of your project com.example string