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Releases: salesforce/warp-drive

v2.7 Release

19 Feb 01:05
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  • Support continuous actions
  • Add Pendulum environment that can run up to 100K concurrent replicates
  • Add DDPG algorithms for training continuous action policies

v2.6 Release

12 Dec 23:57
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Extend to easily support single agent framework. We start to add gym.classic_control as examples. Cartpole, Mountain Car and Acrobot have been included and they can run up to 100K concurrent replicates.

v2.5 Release

30 Jul 05:55
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Introduce the random reset from the pre-defined reset pool. Users are able to provide reset data pool for the corresponding data array(i.e., reset_target). During reset, the target data array will randomly pick up the reset data from the reset pool for each individual environment replica independently.

v2.4 Release

16 Jun 19:03
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  • Introduce new device context management and autoinit_pycuda
  • Therefore, torch (any version) will not conflict with PyCUDA in the GPU context

v2.3 Release

22 Mar 22:50
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Release 2.3 (2022-03-22)

  • Add ModelFactory class to manage custom models
  • Add Xavier initialization for the model
  • Improve trainer.fetch_episode_states() so it can fetch (s, a, r) and can replay with argmax.

Release 2.2 (2022-12-20)

  • Factorize the data loading for placeholders and batches (obs, actions and rewards) for the trainer.

Release 2.1 (2022-10-26)

  • v2 trainer integration with Pytorch Lightning

v2.0 release

30 Sep 21:27
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  • supports the dual backends of both CUDA C and the JIT compiled Numba.
  • supports end-to-end simulation and training on multi-GPUs with either CUDA C or Numba.
  • full backward compatibility with v1.0

v1.6 release

19 Aug 16:17
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Using the extreme parallelization capability of GPUs, WarpDrive enables orders-of-magnitude faster RL compared to CPU simulation + GPU model implementations.

  • It is extremely efficient as it avoids back-and-forth data copying between the CPU and the GPU.
  • runs simulations across multiple agents and multiple environment replicas in parallel.
  • provides the auto scaling tools to achieve the optimal throughput per device (version 1.3).
  • performs the distributed asynchronous training among multiple GPU devices (version 1.4).
  • combine multiple GPU blocks for one environment replica (version 1.6).