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Yaroslav Zhmayev edited this page May 17, 2019 · 5 revisions

First things first

The first thing you have to do is to change the information about addin author, author ID etc

Visual Studio

Revit versions ≈ .NET versions

By default addins created with my template will match Revit versions and .NET Framework versions as follows:

Revit .NET Framework
2014 4.0 (net40)
2015 4.5 (net45)
2016 4.5.1 (net451)
2017 4.5.2 (net452)
2018 4.6 (net46)
2019 4.7 (net47)
2020 4.7.1 (net471)

Target just one Revit version (e.g. while debugging)

Sometimes you don't need / want to build multiple Revit versions. Currently addin template supports 3 different configurations:

  • Release - builds all Revit versions in Release mode (code is optimized, no PDBs)
  • Debug - builds addin for all Revit versions in Debug mode (code is unoptimized and you can debug it)
  • Debug One - this special config targets only one specific Revit version, it's useful when you are actively debugging your addin and you don't need to target a wide range of Revit versions. You can change the target version by editing .csproj file:

Just one target

so by replacing net47 with net451 you will target Revit 2016 instead of 2019.

Support only few Revit versions (instead of 2014-2020)

You can restrict the range of Revit version your addin targets by modifying .csproj file:

Many targets

So by removing net40 from the list you will exclude Revit 2014 from supported Revit versions.

Taming the Ribbon (tabs, panels, buttons)

........COMING SOON............

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